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Sperrkreis 1 Mystery Cache

Hidden : 08/13/2011
2 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:


The headquarter of the Führer of the German Reich Adolf Hitler, built in eastern Prussia for the "Operation Barbarossa", the offense against Russia in world war two. There were and are a lot of bunkers, barracks and other housings which were operated by nearly 2000 soldiers and civilians in the time between 1941 and 1944. In the second world war Hitler was in the Wolfs Lair for about 800 days. The name "Sperrkreis 1" (restricted area 1) was the centre of the Wolfs Lair. There were two other restricted areas around the inner area 1, secured with 54.000 mines, machine-gun posts, patrols, anti-aircraft... The area is in Gierloz near Ketrzyn (former Rastenburg).

The geocache is in the back of bunker 21. When you find the coordinates you are staying in front of a flat ruin where you can watch inside. An entrance (see photo) on the left leads you to the cache. Attention: The ceiling height is about 1,2 meters or less. It is very tight inside so watch your head. It is very dangerous to be inside, those of you who has a claustrophobia keep out... Be warned: Officials do not allow entering the ruins! Warnings written on the bunkerwall say that you aren´t allowed to enter. But official tourguides show tourists the bunkers, also bunker 21. So it is quite tolerated to enter it. Entering is at your own risk! There are a lot of visitors in the area, so keep stealth while retrieving the cache. Photo 4 is a spoiler and shows the place of the container.

You have to pay an admission fee (about 20 Zloty)and a parking fee to get into the area.I placed the cache on our tour to the Wolfs Lair on Saturday, 13th August 2011 with my friends Marko, Thomas and Manuel (Gdansk Tour 2011).


entrance to the ruin

follow the arrow to get inside

the arrow shows the place

First geocache equipment was:

logbook (Wachbuch Sperrkreis 1), FTF certificate, small airplane "Red Baron"

Cache will be maintained by mushinPL or sm@rt_pl if needed. Thank you!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)