Butrint Traditional Cache
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On the southwest of Albania lies one of the most beautiful peninsulas - Ksamil / Heksamil. The main center of the peninsula is the ancientcity of Butrint.
Butrint is situated at the southern end of the peninsula Ksamil. On the eastern side is bordered by Lake Butrint, in the south channel Vivaro. The first record of the existence of Butrint from the sixth century BC In the 4th century BC the town started to grow, were built malls, temples and began to build new parts as well as itsfortifications. She also built a wall that led from the lake through the mountains to the sea and separated the peninsula from the mainland. For its strategic location (accessible from the mainlandand the sea) Romans were also interested in this town. It becomes a major port, and in 44 BC also the main storehouse for grain and food for Ceasar´s army. At the end of the 2nd century, the city covered an area 11 ha. As show the found fo religious buildings from the 4th-6th century, Butrint was an important center. Since 451 exist even a mention about the Bishop of Butrint. In ancient times the city was fortified. Thanks to this the city stands the raids of Totila Ostrogoths, who in 551 submitted the island of Corfu to itself. During the years 1081-1084 the Butrint became a battleground between the Byzantines and the Normans, who wanted to occupy the city and make it a base for further military expeditions. After the break down of the Byzantine Empira in 1204 was the Butrint connected to Epirus and then in 1384 to the Venetians. After the collapse of the Venetian Republic in 1796 the town was occupied by the French, but Ali Pasha Tepelene was the final Winter. He built in 1807 at the mount of the channel an castle.
Butrint Cultural Center has evolved in the space between the rock and the walls of the city. Initially it was just a promenade and Asklépia temple, later was built a new theater and a temple beneath the theater, which required a reduction of the promenade.Later they were also built urban public baths.
It comes from the 3rd century B.C..It is situated in the middle of the southern slope of the acropolis. It looks like a rectangle with 19 rows of seats available by six spiral staircase. The auditorium can seat 1500 spectators. Beneath the auditorium, separated by a small channel is semicircular orchestra floor with rectangular pieces of marble.
Were the main buildings of the city center. We know only two of them - one lies above and one below the theater. Behind the older temple is a cave, from which in earlier times, water flowed with curative effects. The older temple was built between the 4th and 2 century B.C..and was probably dedicated to the god of medicine Asklepio, who also protected the city. Inside the temple there were many statues. Temple above the theater was built in the 2nd century BC together with the theater and is integrated into its structure.
Well of nymphs
Located near the Lion Gate. It is 5 meters deep. It was filled with mineral water. Reached final form only in the 1st century, which was equipped with a vaulted roof, decorated with drawings, on which was the ship between two peacocks. On the edge of the well is engraved the inscription "Rufina Junia," a friend of nymphs
They are placed in a straight lower part of town. They were built in the first half of 2nd century. The central part is a sauna, which is associated with other rooms decorated with marble floor. In the third part of the spa, there are two heated chambers. Spa served mainly seamen, which confirms the importance of Butrint as a port.
It was built in the 1st and 2 century as a place to practice and learning for young people. The central part consisted of a rectangular courtyard surrounded by a series of rooms with mosaic floors. The courtyard is divided into two parts in the form of a fountain pool. The northern part served as a training ground, the South as a place of rest after swimming and exercise.
The House of Columnes
It is located in city center opposite the theater. It comes from the 2nd century. The courtyard is surrounded by twelve stone pillars and arches, lined with 8 rooms including a dining room and hall. At the end of the courtyard was roofed dining room and a channel for rainwater.
The Great Basilica
It is situated in the south of the city. It was built in the 5th century. It has a „T“-shape. The temple is divided into 3 parts. The modele one,the biggets,has a row of windows located above the arches. It was originally paved with mosaic. The main entrance is on the west side.
The baptisterium
It has the shape of a circle with a marble bathtub in the middle. The whole room is divided into 3 circles with16 columns of granite. It was covered by a domed roof. The floor was covered with mosaic.
Medieval churches
A small church near the baptisterium, the church near the and churches near the western and southern walls were built in the 13th and 14century. The ceiling painted could be seen there
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