Before attempting to find this cache please review all the information in the listing in order to make an informed decision. Whenever you go into the Australian bush you are undertaking a risky activity and you do so of your own choice and assume responsibility for your own safety. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Do not attempt any activity that may be beyond your ability, or outside of your comfort zone. The final location of the cache is near a significant drop. Take all care and caution in retrieving it, as failure to do so will expose you to danger of personal injury. Do not attempt to retrieve this cache if you are not comfortable with the level of risk involved.
Review the information in the Groudspeak disclaimer above.
As I walked across the valley today I had a song running through my head.
Heart-carved tree trunk, Yankee bayonet
A sweetheart left behind
Far from the hills of the sea-swaled Carolinas
That's where my true love lies
I was thinking of making this a puzzle based on the song, but decided against it. Instead I'll share a few more verses here.
But when the sun breaks to no more bullets in Battlecreek
Then will you make a grave? For I will be home then
I will be home then.
The cache is behind a viewing platform that is just off the summit. There were so many spots with great views that in the end I just had to pick one. I liked this one due to the sentinel boulders on either side.
But O did you see all the dead of Manasseh
All the bellies and the bones and the bile?
No, I lingered here with the blankets barren
And my own belly big with child
About 75 metres to the south there is another viewing platform that offers excellent views to the south and south-east (waypoint included).
Soldier and Girl:
But O my love though our bodies may be parted
Though our skin may not touch skin
Look for me with the sun-bright sparrow
I will come on the breath of the wind
I recommend the direct approach to this cache. Head straight up from the rock art to the southern viewing platform and then around the back to the cache. Although it is very steep, the vegetation on alternate approach, the gently rising southern spur, is EXTREMELY dense.
Thanks to SecretSquirrel-BJC for donating the cache container and contents.
First to Find was: mtbikeroz