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Abitanti Mystery Cache

Hidden : 11/08/2011
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Domala zgubljena in vendar ponovno oživljena istrska vasica Abitanti  ( Abitanti it. = prebivalci) leži na vzpetinici med dolinama Miklinice in Malinske, le nekaj korakov od meje s Hrvaško. Pogleda vreden je že  najstarejši hrast v Istri, ki se košati pred vhodom v vas. Prebivalci Abitantov so z vasi pocasi izginjali in vasica je ostala uradno prazna, saj leta 2002 ni imela nobenega stalnega prebivalca vec. A vendar se v Abitante življenje vraca, danes ima  deset stalnih prebivalcev, ki z vsem srcem delavnostjo, ki jo imajo v krvi, vas obujajo tako z obnovo spomeniško zašcitenih stavb, kot z oljcnimi nasadi, vinogradi in starimi obicaji. Maloštevileni, pa zato enotni, se trudijo vas obuditi. Radovedni obiskovalec bo v vaški kantini poleg prijetnega klepeta o starih casih lahko okusil pristen kozarec domacega refoška in se po dolini Malinske sprehodil po robidovja ocišcenih poteh, ki vas lahko pripelje tudi do zanimive vasi Hrvoji.


Zaklad lahko najdeš tako da poišceš vse 4 tocke:

Korak 1:    Na spominski tabli pred  vhodom v vasico (navedene kordinate) boš našel  napis.
A = število crk v prvi vrstici teksta na tabli
B = število crk v peti vrstici teksta na tabli
Tocko 2, (Korak 2)  boš našel na N45° 26.XXX  in E013°  49.YYY, kjer je
XXX = (A +B) * A                  YYY = (A + B) *( 3 * A) + B –A

Korak 2:    Preštej  trikotnike na izklesani sliki na zidu
C = število  trikotnikov ( brez prekrivanja) 
Korak 3:    Poišci stavbo, ki v vasi arhitekturno izstopa in si  zapomni  njeno hišno številko:
D= hišna številka
Koncna tocka 4:    Zaklad boš našel na koordinatah  N45° 26.ZZZ in E013° 49.QQQ, kjer je
ZZZ = XXX + (2 * C) +( 3 * D)                     QQQ = YYY + C –( 4 * D)


Almost gone and  again revived Istrian village Abitanti (Abitanti it. = Inhabitants) lies between the valleys of  Miklinica and Malinska, only a few steps from the Croatian border. At the entrance to the village the oldest oak in Istria streaches out. The residents of Abitanti slowly left the village in the past and the village has remained officially vacant in 2002, without any residents. But nowadays the life comes back to Abitanti, the village has 10 permanent residents now. They are hardworking and  diligent. They awake renovation of historical buildings, the olive groves, vineyards and old traditions.  Curious visitors are invited to the canteen in the village. You can have a nice chat about old times there and you can taste an authentic cup of homemade Refosco. From the village you can take a walk through the valley of Malinska. It will lead you to another interestingt village – Hrvoji.

To find the cache you have to find all 4 points:
Step 1:      On the entrance to the village (header coordinates) you will find a memorial board with an inscription.
A = number of letters in the first row
B = number of letters in the fifth row 
For the next step you have to go to the next point which is on the coordinates: N45° 26.XXX  in E013° 49.YYY where
XXX = (A +B) * A            YYY = (A + B) *( 3 * A) + B –A
Step 2:      Count the triangles on the sculptured picture on the wall
C = number of triangles (without overlapping) 
Step 3:      Find a building in the village which stands out in architectural aspect and remember its house number
D= house number
Final point 4:    You will find the cache on the following coordinates  N45° 26.ZZZ in E013° 49.QQQ where
ZZZ = XXX + (2 * C) +( 3 * D)               QQQ = YYY + C –( 4 * D)


Additional Hints (No hints available.)