Dunlop Grasslands 2 Traditional Cache
Ngaambul: Unfortunately there was no response (or regular update) from the owner within the time requested and as per the original note this cache has been archived. If you wish to replace it please submit a new cache via this link.
Ngaambul - Matt
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Our second cache in the Dunlop Grasslands
This one is placed in different area of the Dunlop Grasslands from the original and at the time of placing was hosting a herd of cattle undertaking bushfire fuel reduction services. Unfortunately, as with the original there are no dogs allowed into the grasslands. Please be careful of your footing as you approach GZ. At the time of placing the ground was dry however looks like it does get a bit wet. The ground was very uneven under the grass cover so please be careful not to roll your ankles. Please ensure you replace the cache camo to ensure it is not spotted and BYO pen - thanks and good hunting.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)