HistoricAZ66: Cool Springs Traditional Cache
HistoricAZ66: Cool Springs
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This cache is placed at a former gas station turned museum / gift shop where you can no longer fuel your car, but you can still fill up on Route 66 History! There are a lot of historic artifacts and the store managers would love the opportunity to share the history of Cool Springs, so the cache is located inside. Please ask inside to search for the cache. This geocache is part of the Historic Arizona Route 66 Centennial Geocaching Series, an Arizona Centennial Legacy Project.
This cache is placed at a former gas station turned museum / gift shop where you can no longer fuel your car, but you can still fill up on Route 66 History! There are a lot of historic artifacts and the store managers would love the opportunity to share the history of Cool Springs, so the cache is located inside. Please ask inside to search for the cache. Thanks, and happy caching!
This geocache is part of the Historic Arizona Route 66 Centennial Geocaching Series, an Arizona Centennial Legacy Project (www.az66geocaching.com).
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