Poços Traditional Cache
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small plastic box near of two ancient shepherd's hut
A small plastic box with writing material, small notebookand some "souvenirs". From that position you can see all around...
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Irwb orz nf qhnf,
Znf aãb rfgbh rz arauhzn qrynf
À qvervgn, yá ab nygb, rfgá b Pbhçb
Qn znpvrven oenin r tvrfgn rabezr
Graub frzcer n fbzoen qrynf
V pna frr obgu,
Oh V'z abg va nal bar,
ba zl evtug, ba gbc, gurer vf "Ze. Pbhçb"
Sebz jvyqvat naq rabezbhf oebbz