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Biblioteca Municipal de Penela Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

btreviewer: Esta cache foi arquivada por falta de uma resposta atempada e/ou adequada perante as situações relatadas. Relembro a secção das guidelines sobre a manutenção :

You are responsible for occasional visits to your cache to maintain proper working order, especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). You may temporarily disable your cache to let others know not to search for it until you have a chance to fix the problem. This feature is to allow you a reasonable amount of time – normally a few weeks – in which to check on your cache. If a cache is not being maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an unreasonable length of time, we may archive the listing.

Because of the effort required to maintain a geocache, we ask that you place physical caches in your usual caching area and not while on a vacation or business trip. It is best when you live within a manageable distance from the cache placements to allow for return visits. Geocaches placed during travel may not be published unless you are able to demonstrate an acceptable maintenance plan, which must allow for a quick response to reported problems. An acceptable maintenance plan might include the username of a local geocacher who will handle maintenance issues in your absence.[/quote]

Como owner, se tiver planos para recolocar a cache, por favor, contacte-me por [url=]e-mail[/url].

Lembro que a eventual reactivação desta cache passará pelo mesmo processo de análise como se fosse uma nova cache, com todas as implicações que as guidelines actuais indicam.

Se no local existe algum container, por favor recolha-o a fim de evitar que se torne lixo (geolitter).


[b] btreviewer [/b] Volunteer Cache Reviewer

[url=][i][b]Work with the reviewer, not against him.[/b][/i][/url]

Hidden : 4/20/2012
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Biblioteca Municipal de Penela

A Biblioteca Municipal de Penela foi inaugurada em 29 de Setembro de 2006. Trata-se duma obra do Município de Penela que teve o apoio da DGLB (Direção Geral do Livro das Bibliotecas) e integra a Rede Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas.

A Biblioteca Municipal de Penela é um serviço cultural público com funções de carácter informativo, educativo, cultural e de lazer, cuja missão é a de facilitar o acesso à documentação e à informação existente, nos mais variados suportes, bem como a promoção do livro e da leitura, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento da qualidade de vida dos munícipes.

Espaços e Serviços

A Biblioteca Municipal de Penela alia o conforto dos seus espaços ao conceito de livre acesso à informação e documentação. Disponibiliza ainda acesso gratuito à Internet e suportes audiovisuais.

Entre os espaços e serviços da biblioteca podemos encontrar:

  • Átrio
  • Sala de Adultos
  • Sala Infanto-Juvenil
  • Sala da “Hora do Conto”
  • Anfiteatro exterior
  • Sala Polivalente
  • Auditório Municipal

The Municipal Library of Penela was inaugurated in September 29, 2006. This public facilities of the Penela’s Municipality had the support of GDLB (General Direction of Books and Libraries), and integrates the National Network of Public Libraries.

The Municipal Library of Penela is a public cultural facility with informational, educational, cultural and leisure functions, whose mission is to enable access to documentation and information existing in various types, as well as the promotion of books and reading, thereby contributing to improving the quality of life of residents.

Spaces and Services

The Municipal Library of Penela combines the comfort of the living spaces to the concept of free access to information and documentation. It also provides free internet access and audiovisual material.

Among the different spaces and areas of this library we can find:

  • Atrium
  • Adults Room
  • Children and Youth Room
  • 'Stories' Room
  • Outdoor Amphitheater
  • Multipurpose Room
  • Municipal Auditorium

A cache / The cache

O container é de tamanho pequeno, tem no seu interior logbook, cachenote e alguns itens para troca.

Levem algo para escrever!

ATENÇÃO: O espaço é muito movimentado, tenham cuidado com os muggles, especialmente com os alunos das duas escolas por perto. Caso contrário o container vai desaparecer facilmente!

The container is small, inside you can find the logbook, cachenote and some trade items.

Bring something to write!

WARNING: This place is very busy, so please be careful with the muggles, especially with the students of the two schools close by. Otherwise the container can easily disappear!

This page was generated by GeoPT Listing Generator

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Pnagb Pbeare

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)