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E7_SLO_59 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 9/24/2012
1.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Ko ste našli oseminpetdeseti cache, nadaljujte po asfaltni cesti navkreber, nato pa naravnost do osamljene kmetije, ki jo morate prečkati preko dvorišča. Nadaljujte čez travnik navkreber, nato pa strmo levo v gozd. Na drugi strani gozda vas kmalu pozdravi nov zaselek, za njim pa zadnji rahlo strm dvig, dokler ne pridete na gozdno cesto, ki pa dokaj položno v zahodni smeri pripelje do Rudijevega doma pod Donačko. Malo pred kočo vas čaka na levi strani poti nov zaklad.   Once you logged the 58th cache continue uphill on the paved road, than strait to a farm that you will have to pass over its frontyard. Continue over the grass field uphill and than left, steep into the forest. On its other side you once again pass some houses, after which turn right into the forest again. A slow ascend follows, leading you to an unpaved forest road. Take this road towards west and will lead you to the Rudi's cabin under Donačka mountain. A little before the cabin the next cache is waiting for you.
Devetinpetdeseti cache vas čaka levo od poti.   The 59th cache is waiting on the left side of the path.
Predlagamo: Pomagajte nam narediti trail bolj gost. Upoštevajte le naše osnovno označevanje in smer naraščanja številk (za primer, da postavite cache med številko 9 in 10: E7_SLO_9_vaš dodatek). Hvala!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Xberavar qerirfn / ebbgf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)