The Grand Ridge trail is another remarkable resource to recreationists on the east side. Although primarily used by mountain bikers (and therefore somewhat less peaceful and serene), this trail is really lovely and feels a bit more secluded than some of the other nearby choices. At 14 miles, round-trip, it also allows for quite a long run, bike, or hike. I recommend starting at Issaquah - Fall City Road, since you will be going uphill on the way out, and downhill on the way back!
The Grand Ridge Trail is open to hikers, equestrians and mountain bikers.
I first met this big guy about three years ago. Since then I think that maybe I have changed more than he has!
Make sure to introduce yourself!
The cache is a well-camoed micro very near the boulder. Please try to put it back the way you found it, and sprinkle a few fir needles on the hide, so it won't be too obvious.
Congrats to CP grower for getting there first!