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Magnetic Storage Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Cuilcagh: The cache owner is not responding to issues with this geocache, so I must regretfully archive it.

Please note that if geocaches are archived by a reviewer or Geocaching HQ for lack of maintenance, they are not eligible for unarchival.

Cuilcagh - Community Volunteer Reviewer for Geocaching HQ (Ireland)

Hidden : 6/14/2012
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

This cache is located in the centre of Dublin, on a busy street. Extreme muggle caution is required. When accessing the cache, you will be in full view of the rest of the street. Be careful!

Safety warning

This cache uses very strong neodymium magnets, which might be a problem if you have a pacemaker or other medical device implanted. They can also pinch fingers against metal objects. They are much stronger than you expect.

Be sneaky and discreet!

This cache has been muggled before, so please be careful not to let anyone see you finding or replacing the cache.

Activities nearby History of the area

Historical photos

Great George’s Street North has survived much as was when first built in the mid to late 18th century. Even the pavements are composed of the original granite paving slabs. Unusually too, some of the houses are still lived in as private residences but the others have gone the usual way for Georgian houses in Dublin and are occupied by offices and institutions. For years these same residents have fought to preserve the street and prevent intrusive commercialisation and exploitation. In this they have been somewhat successful.     - from

Don't forget to look down at the many decorative coal holes on this street, and in many other parts of the city. Some of these coal holes are in use today as storage, and one under this house still has a few lumps of coal in it...

Cache rules
  • While dealing with the cache, please don't obstruct any steps.
  • Please respect the privacy of those living in the houses on this street.
  • Please don't use torches when looking at night because the whole street will see you.
  • If you take a trackable, please make sure to put it in another cache and log it. Many trackables go missing, please don't lose them!
  • Be discreet, be sneaky!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Envyvatf. Haqrearngu gur syng nern ng gur obggbz bs n ynetr fcvxr. Irel fgebat zntargf. Vg'f abg naljurer arne gur terra znvyobk be gur oynpx znvyobk ba gur tngr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)