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Morigenos Traditional Cache

Hidden : 7/20/2012
2.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

SLO: To je zaklad, ki sem ga postavil z društvom Morigenos. Na tej točki pregledujejo obalo in morje za delfini.

ENG: This is cache that I create with Morigenos society. On this point they check sea for dolphins.

SLO: Morigenos je društvo za raziskovanje in zaščito morskih sesalcev. Njihov glavni projekt je raziskovanje stalne populacije velikih pliskavk v slovenskem morju in okoliških vodah. Čez dan se razdelijo v dve ekipi: ena ekipa je na čolnu in išče delfine na samem morju, druga ekipa pa pride sem k cerkvi, se povzpne na vrh cerkvenega stolpa in išče z daljnogledi iz obale. Ko zagledajo delfine, obvestijo ekipo na čolnu in ta gre na lokacijo, da pridobi podatke.

Prepoznate jih po tem, da bodo na stolpu gledali z daljnogledi vsak na svoji strani in zelo intenzivno opazovali morje (stolp je namreč določene ure odprt za vstopnino 2 €). Kljub temu se jih ne ustrašiti in se jih ne bojte zmotit. Rade volje vam bodo kaj povedali in poklepetali z vami (čeprav ne predolgo, da jim delfini ne pobegnejo).

ENG: Morigenos is a marine mammal research and conservation society. Their main project is research of a local population of bottlenose dolphins in Slovenian sea and adjacent waters. During the day they seperate into two groups: one group is on the boat searching for dolphins at the sea, second group is observing and searching with binoculars from the church tower (you can go up for price of 2 €). When they find dolphins, they contact the group on the boat and they collect the data.

You can recognize them easily: at the church tower they are gaizing at the sea with binoculars. Nevertheless, don't be afraid to ask them a question. They will be happy to chat with you and give you any information about their work (but not for long, dolphins might escape).

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cbq znwuavz tezbz oyvmh qerirfn, fxevg f xnzrawrz/haqre gur fznyy ohfu pybfr gb gur gerr, pbireq jvgu fgbarf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)