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HELP! Multi-Cache

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espargosas: A sub-standard cache

Hidden : 8/30/2012
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

An easy town cache

At the given coordinates look around and see why the cache is so-named. But, to find the final cache coordinates you have to mix up what you see and produce two words in English, totalling 12 letters, which suggest 'abandoned donkeys'. Now delete the 3 repeated letters (at each repeat occurrence) to yield 9 remaining letters. Number them sequentially 1 to 9. For the final cache coordinates the last 3 digits of the northing coordinates are ODL and for westing AAD. There may be more point to this cache than meets first glance.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)