Important Info:
There are 2 TXGCC13 Caches in this park.
Park Website, Trail Map, &/or Park Map:
Park Website
Park Map
Welcome to the Texas State Parks Geocache Challenge!
We invite you and your family to join us in discovering hidden items while revealing exciting facts and stories about Texas State Parks.
We have hidden special geocaches in many state parks, historic sites, and natural areas. By finding hidden treasure in your state parks, we hope you slow down, discover more corners of the parks, and take the time to relax along the way.
How to Participate in the Challenge
- Download a passport, available at
- Find challenge caches on and; challenge caches will include “TXGCC13” in their name.
- Please be sure to do your part and visit the park headquarters for the collection of your entry fees or swiping of your annual pass. Every Visitor Counts!
- Once you have physically found a cache at a park, locate the logbook inside. This book tells a unique story about each park and offers a trivia question related to that specific story. Write the answer to that trivia question on your passport.
- Use the special red orienteering punch in each cache to mark your passport.
- Submit your completed passport and contact information to the address below when you have completed each prize level. Every official state parks challenge cache will be counted towards your cumulative total and prize levels.
- There will be more than one official state parks challenge cache in many parks to help boost your numbers!
- More caches and special theme challenges may be added as the challenge progresses.
Cachers who have participated in previous challenges, please notice some changes in format to make the challenge more welcoming to cachers of all abilities and experience levels.
Participating Parks
Approximately 90 sites, including parks, historic sites, and other TPWD properties across Texas will be participating in the Statewide Geocache Challenge. Nearly every cache from the previous statewide challenge will be refreshed and moved to a new location within the park!
To celebrate your caching efforts there will be multiple prize levels:
- 10 caches found - Entry Level Pathtag, Keychain, & Sticker
- 20 caches found - Bronze Level Pathtag & Promotion for 50% Off State Park Entry Fees
- 30 caches found - Silver Level Pathtag & Promotion for 50% Off 1 Night of Camping
- 50 caches found - Gold Level Pathtag & Promotion for 20% Off Entire State Park Store Purchase
- 80 caches found - Platinum Level Pathtag & Promotion for 1 Free Night of Camping
Passport Submission - When you have found the necessary number of caches to satisfy a prize level, send your completed passport to the address below. A running tally of an individual's number of TXGCC13 finds will be kept on file and awards will be distributed appropriately. You may consider photocopying your passports for your records or in the event of lost mail.
Texas Geocache Challenge - TPWD
4200 Smith School Road
Austin TX 78744
Get out there and find those caches in your state parks, and discover how life's better outside!
Challenge Conclusion - There is currently no end date scheduled for the challenge. Cache in on this multi-year challenge!
Save Money on Your Trip! Consider purchasing a Texas State Park Pass. For $70, the pass will get you, and all of the occupants of your vehicle, into every state park without having to pay an entrance fee. The Texas State Park Pass can be purchased at most state parks.
Questions? E-mail any specific questions to and a TPWD representative will respond in a timely manner.