Welcome to New Zealand's second mega event. Last year's event in Dunedin was a great success and this year Auckland looks forward to continue the success, welcoming geocachers from all around the world.
The 2013 extravaganza will be held over NZ Labour Weekend (26 to 28 October) with additional mega-related activities planned to take place during the week before and after the event.
More information can be found on the official NZ Mega website, www.nzmega.com.
Please make sure you register on the NZ Mega website.
Mega Competitions
Check out the competitions page on the mega website for details of some great competitions you can enter at the mega event. Winners will be judged by you, the event attendees!
Cache Camo Competition - Get creative and get that glue gun heated up. We want you to create and bring to the mega some fantastic camo creations - urban, bush, whatever.
Geo-Photo Exhibition Competition - We love looking through geocache photo galleries at all the fun, adventure and beautiful scenery that epitomizes geocaching. Dig out your favourite photos, send them into us and we'll put on an exhibition at the mega.
And more... - Check out the competitions page on the mega website for more details!