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Lane Cove National Park CITO Cache In Trash Out® Event

This cache has been archived.

Geocaching NSW: That'll Do! Cheers again to all who made it in for the event. Was a great time. We we look at another when Spring rolls around :D

Hidden : Sunday, April 21, 2013
2.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   not chosen (not chosen)

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Geocache Description:

Help clean up the birthplace of Australian Geocaching, Lane Cove National Park, on International CITO Weekend 2013!


Geocaching NSW invites all members and non-members to join us in a cleanup of Lane Cove National Park.

The date has been chosen to coincide with the International CITO Weekend.

The clean up walk starts at 10:00 am and finishes around at 1:00 pm.

What is Happening?!

We will be starting at listed co-ordinates and CITO'ing away about a 4 to 5km stretch of the Great North Walk over a few hours. The CITO part of the Event begins at the Dehli Road entrance to the park and will finish at Fontanoy Road basically following Riverside Drive. National Parks will organise to drive along Riverside Side Drive after the event and pick up all the bags we drop off along the way!

We will then all sit down for a well earned rest. We will be heading to the Tunks Hill Picnic Area afterwards, near the end of our walk. See the Final Picnic Additional Waypoint.

What to bring?!

Ensure you bring gloves, sunscreen, sensible clothing (long pants and sleeves), hat, footwear and water. A limited number of Fluoro Vests are being supplied by the Rangers but please do bring your own if you have one as part of the walk is along Riverside Drive. Those grabby claws are cool too if you have one! The Association will provide the Garbage Bags, but things like big plastic buckets for sharps/glass would be appreciated.  

This event has been organised in co-operation with Ranger Andrew Duffy from the Lane Cove National Park.

For more info on the Bushcare program at Lane Cove National Park have a look at the Friends of LCNP website

Getting There:

GOOD NEWS! All CITO Volunteers will be given FREE ENTRY / PARKING to the National Park :D Parking is at the Dehli Rd entrance near the listed co-ords. Those coming by public transport, the 545 Bus from Chatswood or North Ryde Train Stations will get you there. The end point is a short walk to Maquarie Park Station. We will organise a car pool back to the start... or it is a lovely 4km return leg by foot ;)
The First Australian Cache: 
A lot of you will be aware of (and have probably already logged!) GC3E: Lane Cove, Australia's first ever Geocache. If you have not logged it here is your chance! Our route will take us right past the recommended site for the photo. It is a virtual, there is nothing to find anymore, and we ask you DO NOT go offtrack to get to GZ. Read more on the cache page.
More details regarding this event will be posted as we get closer to the date, so please click on the Watch Listing link in the top right corner of this page.

The association is proud to be continuing to develop a good relationship between geocachers and  NSW Parks and Wildlife Service and is looking forward to this and future co-operative projects.

Any questions? Please email the association (contact AT

Geocaching NSW is a registered not-for-profit incorporated association.



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