Hermit's Hide Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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Some decent hiking (and geocaching!) in these woods. A fine location for our first hide.
Some trail guidepost signs have fallen, but you will be fine if you have the trail map linked here. Irvington Woods Trail Map Take the HG to the end, to the only marked grave in Irvington! They actually swerved the Saw Mill so as to preserve the grave and surrounding area. About the Hermit: Johann W. Stolting (1810-1888) was a familiar figure as he walked along Irvington' streets during the 1880's. His clothes he made himself. His shoes were little more than sandals. No one remembered that he ever wore a hat of any sort. He was fond of children and they were fond of him, and he was not unsociable with the few neighbors who shared the hillside on which he had built his cabin overlooking the Saw Mill River Valley.
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Cnl lbhe erfcrpgf, ohg ybbx bhg sbe gur ebpx sbezngvbaf oruvaq lbh!