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MB-Strmina-05 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 5/31/2013
2 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

To strmino poznajo dekleta, katera se tukaj vsako leto pomerijo med seboj, katera bo hitreje in brez napake prispela v dolino.
Ko pa sneg skopni jo zasede drugačna skupina oboževalcev, tistih ki se radi podajo navkreber, da si malce oddahnejo od napornega vsakdana, se naužijejo svežega zraka in predajo pesmi ptic.

Mi pa se bomo povzpeli po njihovi progi proti vrhu Pohorja. Obilo užitka v tem sprehodu in iskanju skritih zakladov.

This slope is very familiar to girls who compete every year to see who will be the fastest.
When the snow goes away there comes another sort of people who like to go uphill and take a rest from busy life down in the city, get some fresh air and maybe even hear some birds singing.

We will climb at their route to the top of Pohorje. Plenty of pleasure in this walk and caches hunts.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

xberavar, oermn / ebbgf, ovepu

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)