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Efjorden Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.


While I feel that should hold the location for the cache owner and block other cachers from placing a cache in the area around this cache for a reasonable amount of time, we can’t do so forever.

Nothing seems to happen with this cache listing, so it is now archived, so that someone else can place a cache in the area, and geocachers can once again enjoy visiting this location. Also, if it hasn’t been done already, please pick up any remaining cache bits as soon as possible.

Geocaches which have not been maintained or the owner has not responded will not be taken out of the archive

(This reviewer note is in English so non-Norwegian cache owners, geocachers and cache reviewers can understand what it says.)

Thanks for your understanding,
Cervis Venator Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 7/21/2013
1 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Box 13cm x 9cm, pencil and logbook. Gift: First to find - Geocoin!


Cachen ligger på et populært stoppested rett ved Efjordbruene med utsikt over Efjorden og fjellandskapet. Parkering, fiskeplass, rasteplass og toaletter. 

Foto: Hesse1309 Wikipedia

Efjorden er en fjordarm av Ofotfjorden i Ballangen kommune i Nordland. Fjorden har innløp lengst vest i Ofotfjorden, mellom Skarstad i nord og Valle sør for Barøya i sør, og den strekker seg 35 kilometer sørøstover til fjordbunnen som ligger omtrent 18 kilometer fra riksgrensa til Sverige. Området ved Efjorden er et populært fritids- og rekreasjonsområde med mye hyttebebyggelse. Ytterst i Efjord ligger Skarstad med museum, kafé, gjestehavn og campingplass. Efjordbruene er tre bruer som krysser Efjorden i Ballangen kommune i Nordland. Bruene ble åpnet 14. september 1969 og er del av europavei 6. Bruforbindelsen erstattet fergeforbindelsen mellom Forså og Sætran, som hadde vært i drift siden 1941. Se opp for mugglere!


The cache is a popular stop right Efjordbruene overlooking Efjorden and mountain scenery. Parking, fishing, picnic area and toilets.

Efjorden is an arm of Ofotfjorden in Ballangen municipality in Nordland. The bay has inlet farthest west in Ofotfjorden Skarstad between the north of Valle and south of Barøya, and it stretches 35 km southeast to the sea bottom which is about 18 kilometers from the border to Sweden. The area by Efjorden is a popular leisure and recreation area with a lot cottage settlement. At the head of Efjord is Skarstad with museum, cafe, marina and campground. Efjordbruene are three bridges that cross the Efjorden in Ballangen municipality in Nordland. The bridges were opened on 14 September 1969 and is part of European route 6 Linked by bridge replaced the ferry connection between Forså and Sætran, which had been in operation since 1941. Watch out for mugglers!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)