The Fox, Chicken, and Feed - Yerington, NV Wherigo Cache
The Fox, Chicken, and Feed - Yerington, NV
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Do you remember the fox, chicken, and feed logic puzzle? I hope you do! This Wherigo cartridge plays it out, right over a bridge in Yearington, NV. The posted coordinates are to a generous parking location. I even saw a rope on the nearby tree, if you're so inclined to swing out into the water on a nice warm day in the desert.
This Wherigo geocache requires a GPSr or cell phone equipped with a Wherigo Player. Please download the cartridge to play.
When playing, get to within twenty-five feet of one of the zones. You will see the fox, chicken, and feed within the zone. Select one of these items, select the "Pick Up" action, and walk to the other zone (which is across the bridge). Please keep to the barricaded pedestrian walkway. When you're within twenty-five feet of that zone, you'll be able to select the "Drop Off" action on the item. Just remember: don't leave the fox alone with the chicken or chicken alone with the feed! Make sure you pick up one of these before getting too far away from the zone!
The final is a short distance away. hans415 is handling cache maintenance; this was placed as a thank you for the caches in his area.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)