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Operacija Dieter / Operation Dieter Multi-Cache

Hidden : 7/14/2014
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4 out of 5

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Geocache Description:


Ko sem bil lani v Avstraliji, sem tam spoznal strica Lovra. Stric je samotar in z njim nimamo praktično nobenih stikov; sorodniki o njem ne govorijo veliko, le to, da je po 2. svetovni vojni pobegnil v tujino in se ni nikoli več vrnil nazaj, tudi na obisk ne. Ugotovil sem, da je v resnici prav prijeten gospod, ki pa ne mara govoriti o svoji preteklosti. Oba sva ljubitelja znastvene fantastike in kmalu po obisku sem od njega prejel paket knjig, o katerih sva se pogovarjala.

Pred kratkim sem od njega po elektronski pošti dobil sporočilo:

Zdravo Vojko,
posiljam ti podatke, po katerih si me zadnjic spraseval.
Lep pozdrav,
p.s. WmyzrhVbaoxTbmxusYdsilnZskvtaf

Hec je, ker se ne spomnim, da bi ga spraševal po kakih podatkih. E-pismu je bila pripeta šifrirana datoteka, ki je ne znam odkleniti.

V prej omenjenem paketu so bile tudi igralne karte. Takrat jim nisem posvečal pozornosti (češ, še ena od fiksnih idej naših izseljencev, ki mislijo, da se pri nas v trgovinah še vedno ničesar ne dobi), sedaj pa se mi zdi, da le imajo nek pomen...

Navodila za reševanje zaklada:

  • Gre za multicache s 6 stopnjami;
  • Lokacije posameznih stopenj boste odkrivali postopoma. Na vsaki stopnji boste dobili podatke, ki vam bodo pomagali priti do končne točke. Vse podatke natančno preberite;
  • POZOR: težavnost terena posameznih stopenj smo namenoma malce precenili. Če se vam med obiskom lokacije zdi, da je teren ocenjen prenizko, poiščite drugačen pristop. Prosimo, ne izpostavljajte se nevarnosti!
  • Prosimo, da iz vmesnih stopenj ničesar ne jemljete, niti ničesar ne dodajate. Ko preberete navodila, ki ste jih dobili v vsebniku, jih vrnite nazaj in vsebnik skrijte tako, kot ste ga dobili;
  • Na vsaki stopnji boste dobili kodo, ki odklene datoteko s podatki iz te stopnje. Tako boste imeli že odkrite podatke vedno na voljo in se vam ne bo treba vračati oziroma jih prepisovati;
  • Stopnje obiskujte po vrsti; v vsaki stopnji dobite besedilo, ki se nanaša na naslednjo stopnjo. Posamezne stopnje so med seboj lahko oddaljene tudi več kot 50 km, tako da potrebujete lasten prevoz;
  • Če boste vse stopnje želeli obdelati v enem dnevu (to bo zahteven podvig; štartajte zgodaj), boste potrebovali prenosni računalnik in dostop do interneta. Na računalnik si že vnaprej shranite datoteke vseh stopenj, da jih boste lahko sproti odklepali;
  • Pomemben moment pri reševanju tega zaklada je, da iskalec razkriva zgodbo in lokacije postopoma. Zato vas prosimo, da podrobnosti o zakladu (npr. zgodbe, točnih lokacij, itd.) ne širite naprej. Hvala!

Sledijo datoteke s podatki vmesnih stopenj (zaklenjene so s programom 7-Zip, kodo za odklepanje dobite na posamezni stopnji).
OPOZORILO: Prenesli boste datoteke tipa 7z, ki vsebujejo podatke, ki vam bodo pomagali do najdbe zaklada. Izjavljamo, da so datoteke varne za prenos, četudi jih Groundspeak in urednik nista preverila za morebitno zlonamerno vsebino. Datoteke uporabljate na svojo odgovornost.

Obvezna oprema, ko jo morate imeti s seboj:
  • baterijska svetilka;
  • rezervna baterijska svetilka;
  • rezervne baterije za zgornji svetilki;
  • pohodna obutev in toplo oblačilo;
  • navadne igralne karte (za remi);
  • brisača (vedno pride prav ;-) ).

Če ste pri reševanju obtičali, si lahko pomagate z vodičem za reševanje - datoteka PREBERI_najprej.txt.


During my last year's trip to Australia I met my uncle Lovro for the first time. He is a lone-wolf and has next-to-none contacts with our family. Relatives practicaly never spoke about him, but I know that he flew abroad after the WWII and never returned, not even to visit.
I've found out during my visit that he is a really nice old gentleman, but he refused to talk about his past. We are both sci-fi fans, so we had a lot to talk about nevertheless. Soon after my return I received a packet of books we talked about.

A few days ago I got his e-mail:

Hi, Vojko,
I'm sending you data you asked about last time.
p.s. WmyzrhVbaoxTbmxusYdsilnZskvtaf

I just can't remember asking after any specific info. There was an encrypted file attached to e-mail, but I don't know how to unlock it.

Before mentioned packet also contained a deck of playing cards. At first I just thought that he sent them as an item which we - according to our uninformed after-war emigrants - couldn't have in our ex-communist country. Now I'm starting to think there is something more to them...


  • this multicache has six stages;
  • Locations for stages will be revealed to you during the hunt. Each stage will provide data which will help you to get to the final point. Read all data carefully;
  • WARNING: we intentionally over-estimated terrain level. If you have a feeling that terrain for certain location is set too low, search for a different access. Please, do not endanger yourself!
  • Do not take anything from or put anything into intermediate containers. Read enclosed instructions carefully, then return the containers exactly as you have found them;
  • Each stage's container includes a password which unlocks a file with all data from this container, so you don't have to write down anything else, nor return to check if you missed something in the box;
  • Visit the stages in the proposed order; each stage will give you a text with info for the next stage. Individual stages can be more than 50 km apart, so you will need some sort of transport;
  • If you plan to do all stages in a single day (difficult task which demands an early start) you will need internet access and possibly laptop. Save all stages' files on laptop in advance, so you can unlock them as you go;
  • Please, do not disclose any details about the cache (locations, story, tasks, etc) as other players would like to enjoy discovering them by themselves. Thank you!

Below are files with data from intermediate stages. These are password protected 7-zip files. You will find passwords in corresponding physical containers.
ALERT:You are about to download files that contain further details needed to find this geocache. As the geocache owner, I represent that these files are safe to download although they have not been checked by Groundspeak or by the reviewer for possible malicious content. Download these files at your own risk.

Please take also folowing equipment:
  • a flashlight;
  • spare flashlight;
  • replacement batteries for flashlights;
  • hiking shoes and warm clothes;
  • a deck of playing cards (rummy);
  • a towel (always useful ;-) ).

If you are stuck you can check hints in a Solving guide - file README_first.txt.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

F1: 3z bq menpavxn / 3z sebz nve qhpg F6: fgbcawn greran wr 3! Yrfgir ar enovgr. / Greenva yriry vf 3. Lbh qba'g arrq n ynqqre.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)