O, moj Maribor / Oh, my Maribor Letterbox Hybrid
O, moj Maribor / Oh, my Maribor
Size:  (micro)
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Da, tu je bil nekoč moj dom. Imel sem lep razgled na to čudovito domače mestece... A kljub temu, da od mojega doma ni ostalo veliko, mi lahko še vedno pišete! Da pa boste vedeli, kam prinesti pošto, boste morali obiskati nekaj točk mojega domačega mesta. Prave koordinate mojega doma pa so: N46°3A.B(C-1)(D+1) E15°3E.FG(H+2). Pa srečno! Za prvo nalogo je treba upoštevat letnico objave zaklada!
Yes, this was once my home. I had a gorgeus view on this beautiful hometown... Unfortunately there isn't much left of my home, but you can still write to me! But if you want to know where to bring the mail, you will have to visit some spots in my hometown. Given coordinates will help you with the board of town map, but the real coordinates of my home are: N46°3A.B(C-1)(D+1) E15°3E.FG(H+2). Good luck! For stage one you need to use year of publishing of this geocache but here is A hint: 4!
Additional Hints
i fgnerz fbqh cbq bcrxb, 5 zrgebi bq ibtnyn uvšr (tyrw fcbvyre 2023) / va gur byq oneery haqre gur oevpx, 5 zrgref sebz gur pbeare bs gur ubhfr (frr fcbvyre 2023)
Purpxre: fhz nyy qvtvgf=59