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Oxford Steganography #4 - Tilt Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Professor Xavier: As the owner has not responded to my previous log requesting that they check this cache I am archiving it.

If you wish to email me please send your email via my profile (click on my name) and quote the cache name and number.


Ed - Professor Xavier

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Hidden : 05/09/2014
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

The first in a series of four caches (plus a fifth, secret, bonus cache) whose coordinates are concealed with the aid of some basic steganography - the art of hiding things right in front of your eyes. Note that the cache is not at the published co-ordinates (but is within 250 metres of them). Your first job is to decode the description and work out where it is.

This cache series is not designed to be easy. The caches themselves are all quite easy to find, but determining the coordinates of each will require some puzzle-solving effort.

When you visit the cache, be sure to take a printed copy of the bonus puzzle sheet [PDF] so that you can decipher the coordinates of the secret bonus cache! Alert: You are about to download a file that contains further details needed to find the secret bonus geocache. As the cache owner, I represent that this file is safe to download although it has not been checked by Groundspeak or by the reviewer for possible malicious content. Download this file at your own risk.

The image below looks meaningless, but if you look at it the right way then you'll see that it clearly contains the coordinates of the cache.


Can't see it? Perhaps you should try take a step back and try again. For more tips, see the supporting web page for the cache series.

Note that stealth may be required, and it's not possible to park at the cache owing to parking restrictions (however, there's a pay-and-display car park very nearby.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ernpu guebhtu naq ebhaq.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)