Dragon's cave
Reliefs and cave monument describe the monastic life of Glagolitic priests in the 15th century. The cave is 20 meters long and divided into 4 rooms. The first chapel is dedicated to Madonna. Reliefs of Madonna with angels, moon, dragons and others are carved into the cliff. Many researchers have attempted to explain the meaning of the relief - the majority believes that the reliefs contain elements of Slavic mythology and Christian iconography. The spirituality of the people who worked here was characterized by their pagan cradle reconciled with Christianity.
Visiting Dragon is recommended with a guide, tel. 00385 (0)91 514 97 87
If you do not take the guide, the cave is closed by a grid, but you still can take a trip there and see the dragon. It takes you 50 minutes, 2,4 km, 260 m elevation one way.src="http://www.geocaching.com/static/js/CKEditor/4.4.0/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.png" title="wink" style="height:23px;width:23px;" />
Take good boots, you will follow a stone path, 1,5 l water for each person and choose a good weather, not too hot. Consider your strength and mental endurance.
I am sure you will enjoy the atmosphere.
CZ: Dragon cave je jedním s turistických cílů na Brači, jehož návštěva je doporučována s průvodcem, tel. 00385 (0)91 514 97 87. Pokud se ji rozhodnete navštívit sami, počítejte s tím, že je uzavřena mříží.
Vezměte si pevné boty, dostatek vody a vyberte si nepříliš horké počasí, po celou dobu půjdete po jižní straně hory.
Zvažte své síly a psychickou odolnost. Hady jsme nikde neviděli, ale věřím, že na skalách žijí zmije.