This is the first time our family has planted a cache and we wanted it to be in a very special location. This cache will be very easy to find, but you will need to ride a boat to get there. Boats are available for rent after 11:00hs, or you can use your own. Entrance fees to the park are very reasonable and it is a nice place to expend a day with the family. More info about the park can be found here:
We strongly suggest at least two riders in the boat, so one can stay behind making sure the boat is kept in place. There is a tree branch in the water you can use to hold on to it as you get out of the boat, then it is just a short 5 metres walk to the cache. Please place it back as you found it making sure the container is tightly closed to avoid getting the contents wet. A small log book and a pencil are available to log your visit. Enjoy!