lechef69: Så det tid til at lukke DK-Megaevent 2015 ned.
Herfra vil jeg takke alle der har hjulpet til med afvikling under eventet, og til alle sponsorer for flotte præmier.
Til jer der har købt/vundet en Event Coin vil jeg for god ordensskyld lige bringe aktiveringskoden her : dkmedi2015.
aktivering sker hos www.geocaching.com.
Tak til jer alle sammen
Now it time to close down DK-Megaevent 2015.
Thanks to all who help out during the event, and thanks to all the sponsors for all the nice prizes.
To those of you who bought/won the Event coin, the activationcode is dkmedi2015, the activation should be made at geocaching.com
Thanks to all of you