Cache is not at above posted coordinates, but within 1km. To solve this cache you must find the 9 Geocaches within the FSS series along Fraser Street.
FSS - Fraser Street Series. I spent years designing this series which is intended to bring you to Fraser Street and allow you experience it like you never have before. The series starts at Broadway and continues along Fraser until it meets the River. Each cache (except for the final) is placed within easy access of Public Transit as that is how I most often cache myself. Challenge: Try to complete the 9 caches within the series, only using your legs or public transit.
Fraser Street played an important role in the early years of Vancouver’s history. With humble beginnings as the North Arm Trail of 1861, this rough roadway linked the three major areas of activity, from New Westminster to the east, the sawmills and logging camps along Burrard Inlet to the north, and down south to the farmlands Fraser River’s North Arm. In 1910, the North Arm Road was renamed Fraser Avenue after Simon Fraser, a pioneer who explored much of the Pacific Coast and who also is the namesake of the adjoining river. After 1948, Fraser Avenue became known as Fraser Street.
Each cache within this series follows my Mantra and is creative and or well camouflaged. They are also spread out relatively evenly along Fraser to let you see and experience each aspect of the neighborhood and community. This series is not for the faint at heart, but is definitely family friendly and a good way to spend a day in East Vancouver. Make sure you expect the unexpected!
This is the final Bonus Cache that can only be found with clues from each of the caches within the FSS series. Some caches have the clue on the logbook or the lid of the container, while others are hidden within the cache and will need to be sought out with the information from the description of the cache.
Caches within this series are as follows:
FSS #1 - Community Pride Mural = 6
FSS #2 - McAuley Park = E = 7
FSS #3 - Sign-up = H = 0
FSS #4 - Mountain View Cemetery = B = 2
FSS #5 - Couch potato! = D
FSS #6 - Hidden Parking = C
FSS #7 - Safe and Secure Way = F
FSS #8 - George Park = G = 9
FSS #9 - End of the Road = A
N 49° AB.CDE W 123° 0F.GHI
I have always wanted to hide an Ammo Can so I decided that this series I would make my final an Ammo can hide! This hide is located in an area relevant to the history of this series. I encourage you to look it up and see why this final cache is located here. I believe there is another Geocache puzzle in the area that actually gives some details on this location so I definitely recommend checking that one out at the same time. This hide is likely to be just as difficult as some of those within the series so don't think you are out of the woods yet! Please rehide the cache EXACTLY as you found it (helping the camo blend would be appreciated) so as to allow future finders the same experience as you had. Special Shoutout to Cuddlefish 
Congratulations to Mrs. LANMonkey for making the first find on this cache! It is well deserved after 45? minutes of searching with about a dozen others?
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