Izgradnja katedrale započela je ubrzo nakon osnivanja zagrebačke biskupije davne 1094., ali je posvećena tek 1217. godine. U XVI. stoljeća bila je okružen zidinama i kulama (ostaci su vidljivi i danas). Zvonik (samo jedan!) je završen u XVII. stoljeću.
Nakon velikog potresa 1880. godine katedrala je obnovljena u neogotičkom stilu (arhitekt Herman Bollé) s dva tornja (108 m), dok je dio unutrašnjosti ostao u srednjovjekovnom stilu. Smatra se najmonumentalnijim i stilski najizraženijim neo-gotičkim arhitektonskim radom jugoistočno od Alpa.
Na malom trgu ispred katedrale nalazi se Marijin stup s anđelima (Autor AD Fenkorn u 1865.) i fontana (H. Bolléa u 1882.).

The building of Cathedral started soon after the Zagreb diocese was founded back in 1094., but it was consecrated just in 1217. In the XVI. century it was surrounded by walls and towers (the remaining is still visible), and the bell-tower (only one!) was finished in the XVII. century.
After a big earthquake in 1880. the cathedral was renewed in neo-gothic style by Herman Bollé with two towers (108 m) with some of its medieval inside still conserved. It is considered the most monumental and stylistically most eloquent neo-gothic architectural work southeast of Alps.
On the little square in front of Cathedral is Holy Mary’s column with angels (author A. D. Fenkorn in 1865.) and fountain (by H. Bollé in 1882.).