Da biste doživjeli proljeće i pronašli ljubav u zraku, prošetajte se parkom.
Cache NIJE na početnim koordinatama. Da biste došli do cachea, krenite stazom u parku prema crkvenim zvonima ("Idi na zapad, mladiću!"). Dođite im što bliže možete. Dobro pogledajte oko sebe. Vidite li sada ljubav u zraku?
Glazbena pozadina dok tražite ljubav u zraku.
Važno: Molim ostavite žig u kutiji od cachea!
To experience the spring and find love in the air, take a walk through the park.
Cache IS NOT on the listed coordinates. To reach the cache, take the path in the park to the church bells ("Go west, young man!"). Come as close as you can. Take a good look around. Do you see now love in the air?
Background music while you are searching for love in the air.
Important: Please leave a stamp in the cache!