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Bivak pod Skuto / Bivouac under Skuta Traditional Cache

Hidden : 9/14/2015
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Pod Skuto je bil avgusta 2015 postavljen nov sodoben bivak, ki je arhitekturni biser in nekaj posebnega v slovenskih gorah.

A new, modern bivouac was set up under Skuta in August 2015.


Nov bivak je zamenjal 60 let staro jekleno konstrukcijo. Narejen je iz lesa in velikih steklenih površin ter se lepo vklaplja v okolico. Nahaja se pod Skuto in Rinkami nad dolino Kamniške Bistrice. Od bivaka je lep pogled proti Skuti in okoliškim vrhovom.
Zasnovan je bil na osnovi študije  <>, ki je bila narejena  na ameriški Šoli za arhitekturo Univerze Harvard iz Bostona (Harvard University Graduate School of Design.







Do bivaka se lahko povzpnete po poti Čez Žmavčarje

Pot čez Žmavčarje / Trail through Žmavčarje:

Pot čez Žmavčarje / Trail through Žmavčarje


ali po markirani poti iz Korškega do Kamniškega sedla cez Sleme. Na Malih podih zapustite označeno pot in sledite velikim kupom kamenja (možicem), ki vas po nekaj minutah pripeljejo do bivaka.

Možici na Malih podih/ Cairns on Mali podi:

Možici / Cairns


The new bivouac is considered an architectural gem and stands out as a unique camp site in the Slovenian mountains, as it is made of wood and large panoramic glass surfaces, fitting beautifully with the surrounding nature. Iz replaced a 60-year-old steel structure. It is located under Skuta and Rinke mountains above the Kamniška Bistrica Valley and offers a lovely view towards Skuta and the surrounding peaks.

The new bivouac was based on the following research study:; the study was conducted at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.


You can also take the upward path Čez Žmavšarje (Over Žmavčarje)

or a marked trail from Koroško to Kamniško sedlo over a mountain saddle Sleme.  You go off the marked trail at Mali podi and follow large pile of stones (cairns), which guide you all the way to the bivouac.   


Spoiler: Pogled na bivak iz lokacije zakladka / View of the shelter from the cache location

Spoiler Pogled na bivak iz lokacije zakladka / View of the shelter from the cache location

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cbq xbivafxb evaxb /Haqre gur zrgny evat

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)