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Gorenje Traditional Cache

Hidden : 02/16/2016
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

V središču vasi Gorenje je cerkev sv. Janeza Krstnika, zgrajena v 16. stoletju. V bližini stoji Špehova kovačija, predhodnica tovarne Gorenje.


In the centre of the village of Gorenje, there is a church of Saint John the Baptist, built in the 16th century. Nearby, there is also the Špeh Forge, where the famous Gorenje factory saw its beginnings.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Anzvt: bomvqwr Uvag: gur jnyy<br /><br />

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)