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Le cimetière Militaire de Provins Multi-Cache

Hidden : 5/9/2016
2.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

 Le Cimetière Militaire de Provins

Je vous propose par cette petit multi de découvrir ce cimetière militaire. Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, les troupes allemandes furent arrêtées à ses portes par la 5e armée française, qui contre-attaqua à partir du 5 septembre 1914.

Cette boite est donc la pour leur rendre hommage ainsi qu'à d'autre Hommes entérré ici a Provins 

Pour trouve la Boite il vous faudra passer au différent point de passage et completé la formule suivante N48° 3A.BCD E3° 1W.XYZ

Attention ! Accès libre et gratuit. Horaires d’ouvertures : - du 1er mars au 1er novembre, tous les jours de 8h15 à 19h00 - du 2 novembre au 29 février, tous les jours de 8h15 à 18h00




Military Cemetery Provins

I propose by this small multi discover what military cemetery. During World War II , German troops were stopped at the gates by the 5th French army, against -attacked from the September 5, 1914 .

This box is for the honor them as well as other men here in Provins

To find the box you will have to move to different crossing point and completed the following formula N48 ° E3 ° 3A.BCD 1W.XYZ Warning ! Free access . Opening hours: - from March 1 to November 1 , daily from 8.15 am to 19.00 - 2 November to 29 February , daily from 8:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


  • Point A : N 48° 33.830 E 003° 16.860

here you are at the entrance of the cemetery. on the doorpost that is ...... 4 Lions (A = 4); Cross (A = 6), winged hourglasses (A = 3)

  • Point B : N 48° 33.830 E 003° 16.853

here you are at the tomb of a knight ...... Thibaud IV (B = 4); of the Legion of Honor by Napoleon (B = 7) of Louis XIV (B = 8)

  • Point C :N 48° 33.797 E 003° 16.828

Complete the registration number of the 3509 British Soldier "C" 5

  • Point D : N 48° 33.801 E 003° 16.836 

How many North African soldiers are buried in the military cemetery?
- Si 3 -> D = 1
- If 10 -> D = 3
- If 15 -> D = 9

  • Point W : N 48° 33.802 E 003° 16.826

how many unknown soldiers does one count ??
- If 0 -> D = 4
- If 1 -> D = 6
- If 5 -> D = 7

  • Point X : N 48° 33.841 E 003° 16.839

What will we find at the foot of the cedar?

- If a fountain -> X = 1

- If a Bench -> X = 3


- If a Grave -> X = 7

  • Point Y : N 48° 33.815 E 003° 16.830

How can egg-shaped tree count in this cemetery I = J 2 = the sum Y is (I + J = Y 2)

  • Point Z : N 48° 33.843 E 003° 16.845

Here you will find in the Garden of Remembrance ...... (Z = 3) 5 memory (Z = 6); Time (Z = 8)


Flag Counter


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Erpbhireg q'ha srhvyyr znvf cnf qr yn zêzr rfcèpr dhr zba tneqvra

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)