Da Yi Gong 大義宮 is a 200-year-old temple dedicated to Guan Yu 關羽, also known as Guan Di 關帝. This red-faced general is considered the god of war and patron saint of warriors, and is my favorite Taoist character. Legend says that when the French tried to attack Penghu, mysterious forces kept them away from this temple.
Da Yi Temple is a large structure with four-meter-tall bronze statues of the warriors Guan Ping 關平 and Zhou Cang 周倉 standing guard outside. Inside you'll find several large and detailed ceilings featuring a number of dragons in 剪黏 style (Jian Nian, a mosaic-like temple decoration).
The real surprise lies elsewhere inside; I've never seen an area quite like this in any other temple in Taiwan. Once you get to this mysterious area, look around for this sign.
The final coordinates are:
N23° 37.(X-Y+4) (Y/15) (Y-104) E119° 31.(Y/35) (X/55) (X-Y+1)
You can check your answer at GeoCheck.
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