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Zodiacache Series - Cancer the Crab (Redux) Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

The Seanachai: While we feel that should hold the location for you for a reasonable amount of time, we cannot do so indefinitely. In light of the lack of communication regarding this cache it has been archived to free up the area for new placements. If you haven’t done so already, please pick up this cache or any remaining bits as soon as possible. Please note that geocaches archived by a reviewer or Geocaching HQ for lack of maintenance are not eligible for unarchival.

I want to thank you for the time that you have taken to contribute in the past and I look forward to your continued contributions to the sport of Geocaching.

Hidden : 5/20/2016
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

NOTE: This is a replacement for the original in the series and the clue for the final remains the same. However, because this is a completely different cache you can seek this one for a new find even if you already have the original.

What's your sign? Welcome to the "Zodiacache" series. There are 12 traditional caches and a final mystery cache. In order to search out the mystery cache and log it as a find, you MUST FIRST FIND ALL 12 of the traditional caches. Each cache contains the usual log but each cache also has part of the coordinates to the mystery cache. The caches are all hidden at or near places relevant to their particular symbolization. This one is located at an establishment where the folks are VERY crabby and proud of it!

Zodiacache Series:
GC3Q3DB - Aries the Ram
GC3Q3FN - Taurus the Bull
GC3Q3K1- Gemini the Twins (Archived)
GC67E14 - Gemini the Twins (Redux)
GC3Q3M6 - Cancer the Crab (Archived)
GC6J6XH - Cancer the Crab (Redux)
GC3Q3MP - Leo the Lion
GC3Q3N9 - Virgo the Virgin
GC3Q3C5 - Libra the Scales
GC3Q3DT - Scorpio the Scorpion
GC3Q3CM - Sagittarius the Archer (Archived)
GC7N59X - Sagittarius the Archer (Redux)
GC3Q3BR - Capricorn the Goat
GC3M0NQ - Aquarius the Water Bearer
GC3Q3BC - Pisces the Two Fish
GC3Q3QX - Final


Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this sign are 'roots' kinds of people, and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them.

The mascot of Cancer is the Crab, and much like this shelled little critter, Cancers are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. No wonder these folks are called crabby! For Cancer, it's not that big of a deal, though, since they consider this 'shell' a second home (and they do love home). The flip side of this hiding is that shell-bound Crabs are often quite moody. Further, in keeping with their difficulty in sharing their innermost feelings, it can become a Herculean task to pry a Crab out of its secret hiding place. What to do? Give the Crab time -- eventually these folks will come out to play again. When they do, they'll be the first to say so, in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this sign. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen. If that still doesn't work, they'll just go back to their shell and sulk, or find a way to get back at the source of their pain, since Crabs can be rather vindictive. That said, any self-respecting Crab would tell you that they are ultimately motivated by protecting their home and loved ones, a most noble goal.

Cancers are ruled by the Moon -- the Great Mother of the heavens in ancient times. Here on Earth, this is manifested in the Crab's maternal instincts and desire to protect home and hearth. This may appear smothering at times, but that's the Crab for you. The Moon is associated with fertility, too, a quality that is most pleasing to Cancers. The Moon is also the ruler of moods, and Cancers have plenty of those. These folks can cry you a river if they're so inclined, and they usually are. They can be overly sensitive, easily hurt and prone to brooding. Even so, Crabs find it easy to be sympathetic to others and are quick to show their affection. Their intuition is also a great help to them, especially in times of stress.

The element associated with Cancer is Water. Like the rolling waves of the sea, the Crab's emotions can make quite a splash. These folks tend to pick up on things and bring them in, with the outward result ranging from sentimentality to possessiveness. Crabs need to resist the temptation to become selfish or to feel sorry for themselves, since this behavior won't help. On the bright side, Cancers are good with money (although some consider them too thrifty), probably because they value a sense of security. Crabs are also quick to help others and tend to avoid confrontation. In keeping with their nurturing bent, those born under this sign are a whiz with food. A hearty picnic in the park is heaven-on-earth to most Crabs.

Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors? The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancers have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own. Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this sign rules the stomach.

The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. It's that nurturing instinct which makes Cancers a pleasure to be with.

Enjoy, happy hunting and good luck spilling your ink. Cache ya later!

TN Valley Geocachers

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Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning and effort to create and place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, the journey or location, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Single word, acronym, or "copy and paste" logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log.

Travel Bug Etiquette: Cachers pay good money for Travel Bugs and Geocoins. If you take a TB or GC from a cache will you PLEASE ensure it is correctly logged in and out. If you take one that still shows it is somewhere else, please be patient before “grabbing” the item; it does not get its mileage by being grabbed before the last person to drop it has had time to log their placement. This is particularly important on busy and new caches. If you have an issue with a bug or coin, please e-mail or message the owner through their profile and advise them of the issue; they will be pleased to hear from you.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)