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Pot miru BONUS Mystery Cache

Hidden : 09/25/2016
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:


Trail pot miru BONUS


Trail Walk of Peace BONUS


Dolina Soče je bila v prvi svetovni vojni med letoma 1915 in 1917 del soške fronte. Ob Soči so se bojevali, umirali in trpeli fantje in možje mnogih narodov. Iz tega obdobja so se ohranile številne ostaline (strelski jarki, utrdbe, kaverne, cerkvice in kapele, spominska obeležja, vojaška pokopališča), ki predstavljajo kulturno in zgodovinsko dediščino nacionalnega in mednarodnega pomena. Da bi to dediščino zaščitili in ohranili, je bila leta 2000 ustanovljena Ustanova »Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju«.
Trail je le delček Poti miru, ki se med 14. in 15 zakladkom odcepi v krožno pot. Avto lahko parkirate ob glavni cesti pri 1. zakladku. Sama pot je lepo urejena in nezahtevna, ampak vseeno zahteva boljšo obutev. Za kompletno pot boste porabili 2-3.ure.

Vpisane koordinate seveda niso prave! Koordinate končnega zaklada se izračunajo z pomočjo formule
N 46º 14.(A*B*D+E+C)
E013º 36.(C*D*F+A)

Parkiranje je možno na:
N (končna lokacija) -00.028
E (končna lokacija) +00.017

Glede, da je škatlica "redno" uničena dovolim fotolog notranjosti


During the Great War, between 1915 and 1917, the Soča valley was part of the Isonzo Front. Young and adult men of numerous nations fought and suffered along the river Soča, and many of them lost their lives. Numerous remains of that period survive (trenches, fortifications, caves, small churches and chapels, memorials, military cemeteries) that constitute cultural and historical heritage of national and international interest. In order to protect and thus preserve this heritage, the “Walks of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation” was established in 2000.
Trail is only a part of the Walk of Peace, which is between 14 and 15 cache turn in a circular path. The car can be parked at the main road in 1 cache. The path itself is not difficult, but still requires a better footwear. For a complete trail you spend 2-3.hour.

This coordinate of course are not true! Final coordinate can be calculate by:
N 46º 14.(A*B*D+E+C)
E013º 36.(C*D*F+A)

Parking possible:
N (final loc) -00.028
E (final loc) +00.017

Bocuse that the box is "regularly" destroyed, I allow a photolog of the interior

Additional Hints (No hints available.)