This cache site is just outside of St. Martins. If driving from Saint John, turn right onto the West Quaco Road, and then left onto the Lighthouse Road. If driving from Sussex, don't drive into St. Martins, go straight until you come to the West Quaco Road on your left. Follow this road then turn left onto Lighthouse Rd. This lighthouse is one of 68 authentic towers remaining in NB. Walk down to the lighthouse and then proceed SW along the coast. If you are afraid of heights be warned, the path follows the cliffs, at times VERY closely. BE VERY CAREFUL! Your actual hunt will not be anywhere near the edge. Cache is a small camouflaged PB container. Inside is a pill bottle that contains a log sheet, NO ROOM FOR TRADERS. Cache may or may not be winter friendly, depending on the year. Enjoy the view!
June 2008: After 6 years the original hiding spot, an old log, has disintegrated beyond use so I have moved the cache approx. 6 feet. The cache area is a small valley so reception might be iffy. Stay on the right side of the valley.
AUGUST 2010: PLEASE NOTE THE ATTRIBUTES AND CACHE DESCRIPTION THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN POSTED WITH THIS CACHE; THERE ARE CLIFFS INVOLVED AND IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN!!! If you do not like a challenge or do not like to geocache out of sight of your vehicle then there are literally thousands of other caches in NB that will suit your style of geocaching. The alders you see growing everywhere were not there when the cache was placed BACK IN 2002 (long before most of you even heard of geocaching) and will hopefully be cut down at some point in the future so yes, this line of trees is the best place for the cache without placing another insipid magnetic micro on the entrance gate! There are several clues in the description above in addition to the encrypted hint so it shouldn’t be difficult (my gps took me right to it on a recent visit) but you may have to actually search. The footpath has been used since the days of the lightkeepers but if you don’t feel comfortable DON’T ATTMEPT THIS CACHE! AS ALWAYS, PLEASE LEAVE THE CACHE AS WELL OR BETTER HIDDEN THAN YOU FOUND IT!
FTF - GPComd