Holly River Cache Traditional Cache
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The Holly River State Park is located in Webster County, WV.
From Charleston, take I-79 N to the Flatwoods exit, turn right, go the stoplight, turn right towards Sutton. Continue for approx. 1 mi. Turn left onto route 15 (at the Go-mart). Stay on rte. 15 until the intersection of rte.15 and 20. Veer left onto rte. 20. This will take you to the park. (Follow the signs) When you get to Hacker Valley you are close. The total trip from Charleston will take a just over two hours. Take a map with you just in case. It is easy to get turned around in places you are not familiar with. Once in the park, continue towards the restaurant. (Follow the signs) Just before you reach the restaurant, turn left onto the gravel road (Pickens Road) that goes up the hill. The co-ordinates N 38 40.252 W 080 20.634 are for a pull off area on the gravel road near the cache. From this point the cache is only be about 50-70 feet away. You can see the hiding place from the parking spot. You’re on your own from here. The signal gets a little weak at times, but I think it will be adequate to find this one. Of course you can always use the hint While there be sure to check out the rest of the park. There is a restaurant, swimming pool, and trout-rearing pond. There are also cabins and several campsites with showers and restrooms. We saw at least 10-15 deer the day we were there. There are many hiking trails of varying difficulty. Some of the trails follow the river. Bring a fishing pole. The cache is a metal ammo container. If you need to use the hints, each gets more specific.
Additional Hints
Sebz gur ortvaavat bs gur teniry ebnq (Cvpxraf Ebnq), tb nccebk. 5/10 - 6/10 zvyr. Ng gur pbeerpg chyy bss gurer fubhyq or n ynetr obhyqre ba gur yrsg, naq zber ba gur evtug.
Gur pnpur vf uvqqra ba gur evtug, qbjauvyy fvqr bs gur ebnq. Guvf nern unf n ybg bs ynetr obhyqref.
Tb qbja gur uvyy.
Sebz gur cnexvat chyy-bss sbyybj gur cngu bs yrnfg erfvfgnapr.
Gur pnpur vf uvqqra orarngu n zbff pbirerq ebpx.
Gur zbff pbirerq ebpx vf rnfvyl frra sebz gur cnexvat fcbg.
N cbvagrq ebpx vf whfg orlbaq gur pnpur ebpx.
Fgnaqvat va sebag bs gur cbvagrq ebpx, snpvat gur ebnq, gur pnpur pna or frra orarngu gur ebpx.