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Hidden : 8/14/2017
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Narava je poskrbela, da je Maribor najlepše slovensko mesto, kajti dala mu je Pohorje, Dravo, Gorice, …

Iz vseh totih darov, so generacije Mariborčanov naredile same velike stvari...Na primer Zlato lisico, najstarejšo trto na svetu, najlepši nogometni stadion na svetu, … Multi-zaklad vam bo predstavil nekaj urbanih mariborskih legend.


Nature and the generations of citizens made sure Maribor is the most beautiful Slovenian city. The most prominent attractions are Golden Fox (FIS Ski World Cup for Women), The oldest vine (planted towards the end of the middle ages - over 400 years old), most beautiful football stadium in the world (Ljudski vrt), … This Multi will explain you some of Maribor's urban legends.


STAGE 1 (Železniška postaja/ Train Station) - N46 33.716 E015 39.431


Prva železniška postaja na slovenskem ozemlju je bila zgrajena leta 1846 v Mariboru, med bombardiranjem v drugi svetovni vojni pa je bila popolnoma uničena. Pri bombardiranju je kot navigator v bombniku sodeloval znani filmski igralec Christopher Lee.

Novo železniško postajo je zasnoval arhitekt Milan Černigoj, zgrajena je bila leta 1954, predstavlja pa primer poznega slovenskega funkcionalizma.


The first railway station on Slovenian territory was built in 1846 in Maribor, and was completely destroyed during the bombing in the Second World War. Famous movie actor Christopher Lee participated in the bombing as a navigator.

The new railway station was designed by architect Milan Černigoj. It was built in 1954.

SLO: A = številka na tabli (desno spodaj) z napisom »WR. NEUSTADT N°4536« na lokomotivi.

ENG: A = number on the board (bottom right corner) with the inscription "WR. NEUSTADT N ° 4536 « on a locomotive


STAGE 2 (Kolodvorsko restavracija/ Kolodvor Restaurant): N46 33.681 E015 39.433

SLO: Kolodvorska restavracija (danes se imenuje Restavracija Vlakec) je bila edina mariborska gostilna, ki je bila odprta 24 ur na dan. Tu notri so se zbirali težki Mariborčani. Naj omenim samo enega – totega presnetega Alfija Nipiča.

ENG: Kolodvor Restaurant (now called restaurant Vlakec) was the only Maribor restaurant, which was open 24 hours a day. Alfi Nipič (popular Slovenian singer of traditional music ) was one of the famous singers who was often seen in this restaurant.

SLO: B = Število dreves okoli vrta gostilne

ENG: B = Number of trees around the restaurant garden


STAGE 3 (Pri veselem kmetu/ Happy farmer): N46 33.637 E015 39.375

SLO: Nikola Tesla je posebnež, znanstvenik in svetovni izumitelj, ki ge je pot zanesla tudi v Maribor. Precej znano je dejstvo, da Tesla o svoji mariborski življenjski epizodi ni nikoli želel govoriti.

Svoj prosti čas je v Mariboru preživljal v gostilni Pri veselem kmetu (na mestu sedanje avtobusne postaje) in Jadran. Glavni vzrok je bila njegova takratna strast do igranja kart in biljarda, v čemer je briljiral, kot tudi do šaha in domina.

ENG: Nikola Tesla, scientist and world inventor was also unusual person. In December1878, Tesla left Graz (he dropped out of school) and moved to Maribor, where he spent his spare time in »Cheerful farmer« restaurant (today Maribor main bus station) playing cards, billiard, chess and dominoes with local men.

SLO: C = Poiščite informacijsko tablo, ki opisuje posledice bombnih napadov med drugo svetovno vojno. Število ljudi, ki je med bombardiranjem izgubilo življenje.

ENG: C = Search for the information board that describes the consequences of bombings during Second World War. Number of people who lost their lives during the bombing.


STAGE 4 (Boby): N46 33.612 E015 39.042

SLO: Na koncu Partizanske ceste, znane po paradah, tik pred glavnim vhodom Frančiškanske cerkve, so nekje v 60-ih letih postavili majhen kockast steklenjak. Danes je preurejen v turistično-informacijski center, včasih pa je tukaj bil zloglasni Boby, kamor so zahajali intelektualci, kmetje, proletarci pa tudi udbovski špiclji.
Nekega večera po koncu obratovalnega časa natakarica ni nikogar več spustila noter. A je prišel znani pevec Čarli Arhar in ji zapel Are You Lonesome Tonight. S pesmijo je natakarico prepričal, da je spet odprla lokal in je lahko njegova družba "na račun hiše" (ki je bila seveda v družbeni lasti) popivala do jutra.

ENG: In the sixties, at the end of Partizanska road, known for its parades, just before the main entrance of Franciscan Church, small glass cube was build. Today, it has been converted into a tourist information center, but sometimes there was a notorious Boby bar, where intellectuals, farmers, proletarians and UDBA spies (secret police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) were regularly drinking.

One evening, after the end of the working hours, the waitress didn’t want to let anyone in. A famous singer Čarli Arhar came by and sang her »Are You Lonesome Tonight« song. With his singing he convinced her to open the bar again. He and his friends were let in. They were invited to drink "at the expense of the house" (bar was owned by state) until the morning.

SLO: D = Poišči štiri rumene table (desno zgoraj nad vhodom v WC). Spodnja številka na levi tabli je D.

ENG: D = Find 4 yellow boards (right above the entrance of the toilet). Bottom number on the left table is D.


STAGE 5 (Ezl ek/ Donkey corner): N46 33.624 E015 38.893

SLO: Kaj takega nima nobeno mesto. Od 30-til let prejšnjega stoletja naprej so se generacije mariborskih frajerjev tukaj zbirale in ure in ure debatirale. Najraje o mariborskih lepoticah.

Zvone Lebar (novinar) in Alfi Nipič (slovenski pevec narodno zabavne glasbe) sta nekoč stala ne Ezl ek-u in se pogovarjala. Bilo je v času, ko se je v kinu vrtel film »Pretty Woman« v katerem je igrala Julia Roberts. Mimo je prišla mladenka, podobna Juliji Roberts. Oba sta jo seveda spremljala s pogledi. V nasprotno smer je prihajal starejši gospod. Mladenka mu je bila všeč, zato se je obrnil za njo in hodil dalje. Medtem je prišel do roba pločnika in malo je malo manjkalo, da ni zgrmel po tleh... Starejša ženica, ki je dogodek opazovala, ja samo dodala: »Prav ti je, kozel stari...«.

ENG: No city in the world has place like that. In the thirties of previous century, city slickers started to gather here. They debated hours and hours. Mostly about local beauties.

Zvone Lebar (journalist) and Alfi Nipič (singer of folk music) once stood at Ezl ek and talked. It was at a time, when movie »Pretty Women« was popular. The main character was played by Julia Roberts. A young woman, like Julia Roberts, came by.

Of course, they both directed their eyes on her. Older gentleman was coming from the opposite direction. He turned his head to look at her and walked on. In the meantime, he reached the edge of the sidewalk and nearly fell on the ground... Old women, who saw what has happened, commented: »You deserve it, stupid old man...«

SLO: E = Poiščite spominsko ploščo z napisom »TO BIL JE EZL EK ...«. E je letnica zapisana na plošči.

ENG: E = Look for the commemorative plaque with following inscription »TO BIL JE EZL EK ...«. E is a year written on plaque.


STAGE 6 (Franček): N46 33.460 E015 38.664

SLO: Franček (imenovan Tarzan) je slovel po tem, da je na poti iz kina podoživljal filmske prizore in jih teatralno uprizarjal. Tako se je občasno sredi Gosposke držal za žleb in na ves glas tulil. Verjetno je bil takrat na sporedu Tarzan ali King Kong.

Stojimo na mestu, kjer je nekoč stala gostilna Koper, kamor je pogosto zahajal Franček. V gostilni je tragično sklenil svojo življenjsko pot. Prihajal je dokaj redno, kot povsem običajen miren gost.

Tistega nesrečnega dne se mu je košček hrane menda zataknil v sapniku, drugi gostje so najbrž mislili, da izvaja svoj običajni performans - in pomoč je prišla prepozno...

ENG: Frančerk (also known as Tarzan) was famous for theatrically reliving film scenes which he saw in a cinema. Occasionally he was holding gutter and loudly screaming. Probably Tarzan or King Kong was played in cinema at the time.

You are standing on the street corner, where Koper restaurant once stood. Franček was a regular guest. He died in the restaurant. That sad day, piece of food stuck in his throat. Other guests were probably thinking, he is reliving some film scene – therefore help came too late ...

SLO: F = "Število črk v današnjem imenu gostilne (rdeče črke)" + 2.

ENG: F = "Number of letters in current restaurant name (red letters)" + 2.


STAGE 7 (Anton Martin Slomšek):  N46 33.544 E015 38.661

SLO: Stojite pred spomenikom Antona Martina Slomška, slovenskega rimskokatoliški duhovnika, škofa, pisatelja, pesnika in pedagoga. Januarja 2012 se je izvedelo, da je Mariborska nadškofija opravljala visoko tvegane gospodarske dejavnosti, da ima velike finančne težave in da je tik pred bankrotom. Dolgovi naj bi znašali 800 milijonov evrov. Januarja 2008 je nadškofija odprodala večinski delež v telekomunikacijskem podjetju, znanem predvsem po tem, da je takrat ponujal največ televizijskih programov s spornimi vsebinami…

Odkrite so bile tudi številne nepravilnosti in nezakonita ravnanja nekaterih odgovornih oseb. Zato številni Mariborčani mislijo, da se Anton Martin Slomšek zaradi afer bržčas obrača v grobu...

ENG: You are standing in a front of Anton Martin Slomšek monument. He was Slovenian Roman Catholic priest, bishop, writer, poet and teacher. In Januay 2012 newspapers reported that the Archdiocese of Maribor was in deep financial difficulties and just before bankruptcy. The whole amount of debts, provoked by high-risk investments was 800 million euros. In January 2008, Archdiocese of Maribor sold majority stake in a telecommunication company, known primarily for offering television programs with controversial content…

A number of irregularities and illegal activities by some of the responsible persons were also discovered. This is why many people think Anton Martin Slomšek is turning himself in his grave...

SLO: G = Letnica smrti minus letnica rojstva (na spomeniku Antona Martina Slomška)
ENG: G = Subtract “Year of death” from “Year of birth” (see the Anton Martin Slomšek monument)


STAGE 8 (Stadion Ljudski Vrt): N46 33.743 E015 38.490

SLO: Škandali. Fuzbalski škandali. Mnogi v igralski in funkcionarski poti Zlatka Zahoviča, ki je že mnogo let športni direktor NK Maribora. Za njim se vedno kadi. Ko ga je po enem od incidentov nogometna zveza kaznovala s trimesečno prepovedjo opravljanja funkcije je dejal: »Kazni Aleksandra Čeferina so zame kolajne.«

Največje uspehe je vedno dosegal pod pritiskom. Igral je v številih evropskih klubih, Partizan, Porto, Olympiacos, Valencia in Benfica.

ENG: Scandals. Football scandals. Many in a Zlatko Zahovič football and sports director career. There is always smoke behind him. When he was punished for one of the incidents by Football association with three-month ban, he said: »Aleksandr Čeferin punishments are medals for me«.

SLO: H = Število stopnic na pomožno igrišče (nasproti vhoda)

ENG: H = Number of stairs to auxiliary soccer field (opposite to the entrance)


STAGE 9 (Žižek): N46 33.696 E015 38.912

SLO: Blizu Prve gimnazije in drugih srednjih šol je „kraljeval“ Žižek. Deloval je zlasti v bližnjem parku in okoliških vežah. Gospod Žižek ga je rad kazal. In zmeraj, ko je kakšna gospa ali gospodična zakričala, se je vedelo, da je na delu gospod Žižek, ki je imel baje ogromno premoženje. Danes, ko je izginil, pravijo, da je baje njegov sin prevzel toto obrt.

ENG: Close to the First Gymnasium and other secondary schools, Mr. Žižek was "reigning". He was particularly active in the nearby park and surrounding doorways. He was exhibitionist. Whenever some lady screamed, it was a result of Mr. Žižek work. Nowadays he disappeared. People are saying that now his son has taken over his »craft activities«.

SLO: I = število velikih ženskih kipov levo in desno od ure na strehi Prve gimnazije.

ENG: I = Number of large female sculptures left and right from the clock on the roof of the First Gymnasium.


STAGE 10 (Franc z občine/ Franz from the municipality):  N46 33.750 E015 39.000

SLO: Tukaj je nekoč delal Franc Kangler, ki je za občino govoril, da je njegova Firma. Najbolj znan je po tem, da ga je odnesla mariborska vstaja. Znan je tudi po številnih ovadbah in po kanglerizmih, naprimer teh:

  1. Ob 80-letnici pokopališča Pobrežje: “Na tem mestu čutim pozitiven srčni utrip.”

  2. Ob odprtju kadetnice: „Slovensko vojsko bomo približali civilizaciji.“

  3. Nagovor absolventom: „Dragi naši abstinenti!“

  4. Ob obisku Dalajlame: „Mi smo gospoda Lamo vabili kot njegovo osebnost.“

  5. Na soočenju županskih kandidatov: „Religiozno bomo kontrolirali avtobusne vozovnice.“

ENG: Franc Kangler used to work here. He was mayor of Maribor. He resigned after Maribor uprising. He is also known for numerous criminal complaint and »kanglerizmih« (unconventional statements, phrases, pronunciations, semantic or linguistic errors in the public speaking of former mayor Franc Kangler), for example this:

  1. 80th anniversary of the Pobrežje cemetery: "I feel a positive heartbeat in this place."

  2. Opening of Military school: "The Slovenian army will be closer to civilization."

  3. Start of the speach for the absolvets: "Our dear Abstinents!"

  4. During Dalai Lama visit in Maribor: "We invited Lama as a person."

  5. During mayor candidates presentation: "We will religiously check bus tickets."

SLO: J = število drogov za zastave v bližini vhoda v občino.

ENG: J = number of flag masts near the municipality entrance.


STAGE 11 (Jurček Lipuša): N 46 33.783 E 15 39.174

SLO: Jurček Lipuša je naokrog rad hodil v uniformi, za pasom je imel voki-toki, k ušesu pa prislonjen zelo glasen mali tranzistor. Deloval je kot policaj, kot direktor Lenta, kot šef strežbe v kakšnem gostišču, kot čarovnik in še marsikaj. Bil je pa zaposlen, zanimivo, in to zares zaposlen, kot kurir v sladkogorski Palomi 23 delovnih let.

Ko je konec oktobra 1995 na križišču Maistrove in Cankarjeve umrl za posledicami prometne nesreče, je svojcem izrazila sožalje celo žena takratnega predsednika republike Štefka Kučan.

ENG: Jurček Lipuša like to walk around in an old police uniform, with walkie-talkie behind his waist and a very laud small radio leaning against the ear. He acted as a cop, as director of festival Lent, as the chief of service in different restaurants, as a wizard, … In reality, he worked for 23 years as a courier in Paloma factory.

End of October 1995, he died in a car accident, at the crossroads of Maister and Cankar street. At the time, President of the Republic Slovenia wife, Štefka Kucan, expressed her condolences to his family.

SLO: K= Poišči večjo skalo. Na njen najdeš dve števili. Odštej večjo od manjšega in dobil boš K. Rezultat je pozitivno število.

ENG: K= Find large piece of rock. You will find two numbers in it. Subtract larger from smaller number to get K. The result is a positive number.



X= A + B + C + D + E + F – 3804

Y = G + H + I +J + K + 310



CHECKER: A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K= 4628

Viri/ Sources:










Additional Hints (Decrypt)

FYB: Nigbohfan cbfgnwn cerq šr rab yrtraqneab znevobefxb erfgnienpvwb. Zntargav "anab" cbq xybcwb an qrfav fgenav. RAT: Ohf fgngvba va sebag bs jung jnf bapr nabgure yrtraqnel erfgnhenag. Zntargvp "anab" haqre orapu (evtug fvqr).

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)