People flow at Helsinki railway station Virtual Cache
People flow at Helsinki railway station
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Welcome to Helsinki Railway Station!
(Suoritusohjeet suomeksi tekstin lopussa)
Helsinki's first railway station was built in 1862 to accommodate trains on the Helsinki-Hämeenlinna line, päärata. The station's plans were drawn by Swedish architect Carl Albert Edelfelt. However, as the popularity of railways grew, the station turned out to be too small, and a contest was organised in 1904 with the intention of producing plans for a new station.
The contest received 21 entries, and was won by Eliel Saarinen, with a pure national romanticist design, which sparked off a vigorous debate about the architecture of major public buildings, with demands for a modern, rational style. Saarinen himself abandoned romanticism altogether and re-designed the station completely. The new design was finished in 1909 and the new station building was opened in 1919.
President Kyösti Kallio died at the station on 19 December 1940 of a heart attack while going back home to Nivala after having retired as President. Legend says he died in the arms of Carl Mannerheim.
The clock tower side of the station was damaged in a fire on 14 June 1950.
In the 1960s, the underground Asematunneli pedestrian underpass and underground shopping centre complex was built south of the station. The first surveillance cameras in the station hall were installed in the spring of 1968.
The first electric train arrived at the station on 13 January 1969. After testing, regular electric train traffic was started between Helsinki and Kirkkonummi on 26 January 1969.
To log the cache, complete the task below:
1. Look to the north. There is a yellow "train stopper". To the right of the stopper there are several electric poles on a narrow strip of ground. From where you are standing at the coordinates, note which three colours you can easily see on signs attached to the poles DO NOT APPROACH OR CLIMB ANY POLES!
2. Optional task: Photo of your GPS device, coordinates visible, together with the animal statue nearby. You should see the statue from top of the small hill, or check Waypoint coordinates in cache description.
1: Katso pohjoiseen ja näet keltaisen "junanpysäyttimen". Keltaisen pysäyttimen oikealla puolella on useita sähkötolppia kapealla maakaistaleella. Pysy paikallasi ja katso mitkä kolme väriä näkyvät helposti kylteissä jotka on kiinnitetty näihin maakaistaleella seisoviin tolppiin. Lähetä havaitsemasi värit kätkön omistajalle.
2. Valinnainen tehtävä: Kuva GPS:stäsi ja lähellä olevasta eläinpatsaasta niin että koortinaatit näkyvät. Näet patsaan pienen kukkulan laelta, tai katso waypoint-koordinaatit kätkön kuvauksesta.
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Additional Hints
(No hints available.)