Geocache of the week 14th August 2020.
This is a very special cache. Confirm your eligibility to collect it by entering the right code. Our secret agent will contact you with further information. Be discreet!
The coordinates of the first stage will lead you to two phone booths. You should enter the one which is further from Stephen's Green (and also further from the closest crossroad).
You should find the code now. The code is the phone booth number (=phone booth Id). It is on the bottom right of the info panel, in the Customer Care section. This is it (it is 9 digits, starting with 0 and ending in 7). Don't call the customer care service unless you really want to :)
Open and enter the obtained code. You will shortly receive a phone call by the Geobot which will tell you the coordinates for the next stage. You should stay inside the phone booth!
Important note: The phone box decided to play our secret game and as a result the phone does not ring! You will not see any sign on the display that the phone is being called to. So, wait for 2-3 seconds after you enter the secret code on the web page and just pick it up to hear the message.
The Geobot will tell you 4 numbers: A, B, C, D. The coordinates for the second stage are:
N: 53 20.2AB
W: 6 14.3CD
The Geobot doesn't like to work hard, so it is throttled to one call every 5 minutes.
Be aware of muggles!
Enjoy the game!