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Bunker na Golem vrhu / Naked peak bunker Traditional Cache

Hidden : 08/11/2018
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Geocache Description:

Goli vrh (962m)

Goli vrh, na zemljevidih tudi Golni vrh je neizrazit z gozdom poraščen vrh, ki se nahaja nad raztresenim naseljem Goli Vrh. Z vrha ni razgleda, zato pa je ta toliko lepši s travnatega slemena nekaj 10 višinskih metrov pod vrhom. S travnatega slemena nad vasjo Goli Vrh, se nam odpre lep razgled po hribovju osrednje in zahodne Slovenije. Ob lepem vremenu razgled seže vse do Snežnika.

Blizu vrha se nahaja zanimiv bunker t.i. Rupnikove linije, kjer se skriva zaklad.


Bunker na Golem vrhu

Z Rapalsko mirovno pogodbo, ki sta jo 12. novembra 1920 podpisali Kraljevina SHS in Kraljevina Italija je bila določena meja med kraljevinama. Vzdolž meje so leta 1938 začeli z gradnjo sistema utrdb, kasneje poimenovanega Rupnikova linija. To ime je dobila po jugoslovanskemu generalu slovenskega rodu Leonu Rupniku, ki je bil na čelu štaba za utrjevanje obrambne linije.

Zgrajenih je bilo več sto bunkerjev, med njimi tudi trije podzemni obrambni bloki, t.j. Hlavče njive, Hrastov grič in Goli vrh, ki so bili strateško ključnega pomena za obrambo pred morebitnimi vdori italijanskih vojakov proti Ljubljani. Med temi velikimi objekti so gradili manjše protipehotne bunkerje za dva do sedem vojakov. Med objekti so napeljali bodečo žico, v dolinah pa postavili tudi protitankovske ovire. Ob začetku 2. svetovne vojne so vsa dela na obrambni liniji takoj prenehala in veliko objektov je ostalo nedokončanih. Obrambna linija ni občutila večjih bojev oz. ni služila svojemu namenu.



Goli vrh / Naked peak (962m)

From this grassy ridge above the tiny settlement of Goli Vrh you can enjoy splendid views to the hills and peaks of central and western Slovenia. The name of this hill (Goli vrh) translates into Naked peak. No wonder, it is covered entirely by beautiful meadows. A little bit below the summit you will find an interesting bunker of the so called Rupnik defence line. This is the place where the geocache is hidden.



With the signing on 12th November 1920 of the Treaty of Rapallo, between the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Italy, the border between the two kingdoms was defined. In 1938 building began along the length of the border of a system of fortifications, later named the Rupnik Line. It was named after the General of Slovene origin, Leon Rupnik, who was the Chief Staff Officer responsible for fortifying the defence lines.

Several hundred bunkers were built, among them there were also three underground defence blocks, named 'Hlavče njive', 'Hrastov grič' and 'Goli vrh', which were strategically of key importance in the defence against possible invasions towards Ljubljana by Italian soliders. Between the large buildings there were smaller anti-infantry bunkers built for two to seven soldiers. There was barbed wire installed between the different fortification buildings, whilst in the valley anti-tank barriers were also erected. At the start of World War II all operations on the defence line immediately stopped and many of the buildings remained untouched. The defence line never experienced any major battles and, thus, never served its purpose.


Vir / Source:

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fcbqawv onyxba (i mvqh) / Ybjre onypbal (va gur jnyy) > Tyrw / Frr: fcbvyre

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)