Have you ever walked down a street and looked at a building, and just wondered, what is that? I have that feeling a lot. This EarthCache is meant to be easily accesible and not difficult to do, so no Masters in Geology anwers needed here
. We are here to look at the stone paneling on the lower aspect of the building. If you look closely, there are a multitube of shapes and lines. These are fossils, now fossils are the remains of organisms which lived a long time ago, and whose structure has been preserved in stone, by a variety of processes. We are not here to look at the process of fossilisation, there are plenty of EarthCaches that do that, we are here to look at the fossils.
The fossils that we have here, are known as Crinoids. Crinoids lived in a tropical sea, and composed of a stem, and its 'arms' which it used to catch prey. What we can see here, are the remains of the stems. The stems are composed of a number of round ossicles, which join together to form the stems that we see. The ossicles were hollow, hence why they look like tubes when seen today. Some of the stems appear to have a spiky inner, that is because when cut through, they have a star appearance.
This being an EarthCache, in order to log it, I ask that you answer the below questions. Please send them to me, and do not include them in your log. You can send them to me by using the message facility or email, both of which can be found by looking at my profile.
1. Please look along the whole front of the building, and find the longest crinoid stem. How long is it?
2. Please measure the diameter of this stem, and the width of the ossicles which form it.
3.What does the stone feel like?