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Neverjetne gore: Instant planinski raj Mystery Cache

Hidden : 5/30/2019
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

English description

Gorenjsko pokrajino, kot že ime nakazuje, zaznamujejo gore. Povezanost Gorenjcev z gorami se kaže tudi v kulturi, dokaze o tem pa hranijo muzeji, ki predstavljajo gorske zgodbe kot del naše skupne preteklosti.

V Loškem muzeju v Škofji Loki so predstavljeni Lubnik in predmeti iz bakrene dobe, v Medobčinskem muzeju Kamnik je poudarjeno planšarstvo – življenje na Veliki planini, v Tržiškem muzeju je izpostavljena smučarska tekma na Zelenici, v Čebelarskem muzeju v Radovljici plemenilne postaje, ki jih srečamo na poti proti Roblekovem domu, v Gorenjskem muzeju v Kranju se spominjajo 40. obletnice slovenskega vzpona na Everest, za katerega so se pripravljali na Joštu, v Slovenskem planinskem muzeju v Mojstrani pa Planinski raj v karikaturah prikaže odnos do gora nekoč in danes, ki ga lahko ponotranjimo na primeru Golice. Gore in muzeji so v obdobju med majem 2019 in septembrom 2020 postali prave zakladnice!

Instant planinski raj


Uganka nas popelje skozi dopolnitev stalne razstave Planinski raj v Slovenskem planinskem muzeju, ki je na izhodiščnih koordinatah. Zaklad je na recepciji, zaklenjen s kombinacijsko ključavnico. Za pridobitev prave kombinacije je treba opraviti nekaj nalog.

Pred vstopom v muzej je treba na virtualni stopnji Bivak pridobiti podatek, brez katerega ni mogoče dobiti vpisnega dnevnika. Na koordinatah virtualne stopnje Bivak desno od droga s slovensko zastavo poiščite markacijo. Pod njo je zapisano, koliko minut je do bivaka. Dobiš vrednost X. Da dobiš manjkajoče vrednosti od A do F, bo treba odgovoriti na nekaj vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na stalno zbirko. Priporočamo natančen ogled razstave. Interakcija z muzejskim osebjem ni potrebna.


Danes v gore hodimo zaradi sprostitve in rekreacije, mimogrede naredimo še nekaj fotografskih posnetkov, ki jih objavimo na različnih socialnih omrežjih in se veselimo »lajkov«. Nekoč je veljalo prepričanje, da so gore nekoristen in skrivnosten svet. Zato so se tja podajali le posamezniki zaradi preživetja. Na delu razstave "Gore me kličejo" je rastavljena trofeja gamsa, kar je navedeno tudi na eni izmed opisnih tablic pod zaporedno številko ** (vrednost A).

Pri izbiri cilja in poti upoštevamo ne samo priljubljenost vrha, marveč tudi svoje znanje in izkušnje, telesno pripravljenost in vzdržljivost. Slovensko planinsko društvo je že v letu ustanovitve zaznamovalo več poti. Seznam poiščite v vitrini. Na njem so zapisane tudi razdalje med kraji. Koliko ur po njihovi oceni potrebuje planinec za razdaljo Razdrto–Nanos (vrednost B)?

»Oprava je tako važna stvar, da mora vsak hribolazec prav posebno na njo gledati, sicer bi se mu lahko to ali ono podjetje ponesrečilo in bi celo svoje ali svojih tovarišev življenje spravil v nevarnost,« so vedeli že pred več kot sto leti. To misel so objavili v Planinskem vestniku leta **** (seštej števke letnice za vrednost C).

Levo in desno: V Slovenskem planinskem muzeju se srečujeta preteklost in sedanjost, mlajše in starejše generacije (foto: Sebastian Plavec)

Danes je narava zaradi človekovega izkoriščanja in sprememb že močno osiromašena, zato si na vse kriplje prizadevamo ohraniti čisto vodo, rastline in živali, fosile … Ogrožene rastline v gorskem svetu Slovenije so zaščitene že od leta 1896, ko so planiko kot prvo zaščitili z zakonom. Koliko slik ogroženih rastlin našteješ na delu razstave, ki govori o ogroženem rastlinstvu (vrednost D)?

Vpisovanje v vpisne knjige je bilo nekdaj dokaz, da smo dosegli vrh, tam pa smo zabeležili tudi, od kod prihajamo in kam gremo, kar je koristilo ob morebitnih reševalnih akcijah. Danes so vpisne knjige pogosto slabo ohranjene in ne več dosledno izpolnjene, saj jih nadomeščajo digitalne aplikacije. Na delu razstave "Ustavil sem se v planinski koči" preštej vse zgodovinske knjige v dveh vitrinah, ena zraven druge (vrednost E - ta vrednost je praštevilo).

Skozi čas se je planinstvo na Slovenskem tako razvilo, da so slovenski alpinisti osvojili tudi najvišje vrhove sveta. V Himalaji jih na poteh spremljajo domačini ter njihova kultura in vera, v taborih plapolajo molilne zastavice. Koliko jih visi na razstavi (vrednost F)?


Kontrolna vsota: A+B+C+D+E+F+X=68

Ključavnico odklenemo po formuli:

( C + B ) * A * B * ( E - 1 ) * ( X - B ) - ( F + X ) * D - B = YYYY


V vseh zakladih se nahaja žig in kdor bi jih želel zbirati, si lahko natisne brošuro (klikni za prenos).
Opozorilo: Kot lastnik zaklada zagotavljam, da je ta datoteka na povezavi varna za prenos. Geocaching HQ ali pregledovalec ni preveril morebitne zlonamerne vsebine. Datoteko prenašate na lastno odgovornost.


Odpiralni časi:
Vsak dan od 9. do 17. ure.
Muzej je 1. 1. in 1. 11. zaprt. Vstopnina za odrasle je 9 €, za družine 19 €, za upokojence in šolsko mladino 4,5 €.

Skupna vstopnica za vseh šest muzejev znaša za odrasle 8 €, za družine 17 € in za upokojence in šolsko mladino 6 €.

Brezplačni ogledi muzeja in razstav: 8. februar – državni kulturni praznik.


As its name indicates, the Gorenjska region is distinguished by mountains (gore means mountains). People of Gorenjska have always lived in close connection with mountains, which is evident from their culture and their past, preserved in museums. Stories from the mountains are a part of the history we share, which can be found in the museums.

Škofja Loka Museum presents Lubnik mountain and items from the Copper Age, Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik introduces Alpine dairy farming and life at Velika planina, Tržič Museum highlights the ski competition at Zelenica, Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica presents breeding stations which are located on the way to the Roblekov dom mountain hut on Mt. Begunjščica, Museum of Gorenjska in Kranj pays tribute to the 40th anniversary of the first Slovenian ascent of Mount Everest, the preparation of which took place at Jošt mountain in Kranj, the Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana with its exhibition Mountain Paradise invites visitors to reflect upon our past and present attitude to mountains, which can be internalized on Golica mountain. By May 2020, mountains and museums will become a treasure of adventure!

Mountain Paradise


The coordinates will place you at the Slovenian Alpine Museum, where you will find the cache at the reception. It is locked with a combination lock and to get the right combination you will need to find the answers to some questions, all of which can be answered by a visit of the supplemented permanent exhibition Mountain Paradise.

Before you enter the museum and sign the logbook, you have to get a key information for the calculation at the Bivak virtual stage. Go to the virtual stage Bivak and find a blaze right from the Slovenian flag pole. Below, you can read how many minutes there is to reach the bivouac. You get value X. To get the missing values from A to F, you will need to answer some questions. We recommend you see the exhibition. There is no need for interaction with the museum staff.


Today, we visit the mountains for relaxation and recreation, and while we are on our way, we take some photographs, publish them on various social networks and look forward to the number of likes. In the past, mountains were perceived as a useless and mysterious world. Only a few ventured up there, mainly for survival sake. On exhibition part "The mountains call to me" is exhibited a chamois trophy head, which is also stated on one of the descriptive plates under the number ** (value A).

When choosing our destination and route, we should take into account not only the popularity of the peak, but also our knowledge and experience, shape and endurance. The Slovene Mountaineering Society marked several routes already in the year of its establishment. Find the list in the showcase, which includes the distance between places. How many hours a hiker would need for the distance between Razdrto and Nanos (value B) in their estimation?

“Equipment is such an important matter that every mountaineer must pay particular attention to it, otherwise any of his plans might fail, and he might even put his life or the lives of his companions in danger," was common knowledge more than a hundred years ago. This advice was published in Planinski vestnik magazine in **** (sum up the digits of the year for value C).

Left and right: In the Slovenian Alpine Museum, the past meets the present, younger generations meet the elders. (Photo by Sebastian Plavec)

Today, the nature is already deprived severely due to human exploitation and climate change, which is why we are making every effort to keep water, plants, animals and fossils clean... Endangered plants in the mountain world of Slovenia have been protected since 1896, when edelweiss was the first flower protected by the law. How many pictures of endangered plants do you see in the part of the exhibition that presents the endangered flora (value D)?

A record in the summit book used to serve as a proof of summiting the peak. We also recorded where we are coming from and where we are going, which was useful information in case of possible rescue campaigns. Today, summit books are often poorly preserved and the records in them inconsistent, as they are replaced by digital applications. On exhibition part "Stopping over at a mountain hut" count all historical books in two showcases, which are one beside the other (value E - this value is a prime number).

Over time, Slovenian mountaineering has developed to such a high level that Slovenian alpinists summited the highest peaks of the world. When in the Himalayas, they are accompanied by the locals, their culture and religion, and flags flutter in camps. How many of them hang at the exhibition (value F)?


Checksum: A + B + C + D + E + F + X = 68

Unlock the combination lock by using the formula:

( C + B ) * A * B * ( E - 1 ) * ( X - B ) - ( F + X ) * D - B = YYYY


You will find stamps in caches. In case you want to collect them, print the leaflet (click to download).
Alert: As the geocache owner, I ensure that this linked file is safe to download. It has not been checked by Geocaching HQ or by the reviewer for possible malicious content. Download the file at your own risk.


Opening hours:
Every day 9am to 5pm.
Closed on 1 January and 1 November. Entrance fee: 9 € (adults), 19 € (families), 4.5 € (seniors and school youth).

Joint ticket for all six museums: 8 € (adults), 17 € (families), 6 € (seniors and school youth).

Free visits of the museum and exhibitions: 8 February (National Day of Culture).


Additional Hints (No hints available.)