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Neverjetne gore: Kranjska sivka Mystery Cache

Hidden : 5/30/2019
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

English description

Gorenjsko pokrajino, kot že ime nakazuje, zaznamujejo gore. Povezanost Gorenjcev z gorami se kaže tudi v kulturi, dokaze o tem pa hranijo muzeji, ki predstavljajo gorske zgodbe kot del naše skupne preteklosti.

V Loškem muzeju v Škofji Loki so predstavljeni Lubnik in predmeti iz bakrene dobe, v Medobčinskem muzeju Kamnik je poudarjeno planšarstvo – življenje na Veliki planini, v Tržiškem muzeju je izpostavljena smučarska tekma na Zelenici, v Čebelarskem muzeju v Radovljici plemenilne postaje, ki jih srečamo na poti proti Roblekovem domu, v Gorenjskem muzeju v Kranju se spominjajo 40. obletnice slovenskega vzpona na Everest, za katerega so se pripravljali na Joštu, v Slovenskem planinskem muzeju v Mojstrani pa Planinski raj v karikaturah prikaže odnos do gora nekoč in danes, ki ga lahko ponotranjimo na primeru Golice. Gore in muzeji so v obdobju med majem 2019 in septembrom 2020 postali prave zakladnice!

Kranjska sivka - naša naravna dediščina


Uganka nas popelje po postavitvi stalne razstave Živeti skupaj. O čebeli in človeku. v Čebelarskem muzeju v Radovljici (Muzeji radovljiške občine), ki se nahaja na izhodiščnih koordinatah. Zaklad je na recepciji, zaklenjen s kombinacijsko ključavnico. Za pridobitev prave kombinacije je treba opraviti nekaj nalog.

Pred vstopom v muzej je treba na virtualni stopnji Trg pridobiti podatek, brez katerega ni mogoče dobiti vpisnega dnevnika. Na koordinatah virtualne stopnje Trg najdi dolgo stavbo na vzhodu. Na njej preštej vse obraze med okni prvega in drugega nadstropja. Dobiš vrednost X. Da dobiš manjkajoče vrednosti od A do E, bo treba odgovoriti na nekaj vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na stalno zbirko. Priporočamo natančen ogled razstave. Interakcija z muzejskim osebjem ni potrebna.


Čebelarji so čebele že nekdaj selili na različna območja, da so jim omogočili bogato pašo. V odmaknjene kraje so jih celo nosili z lesenimi nahrbtniki – krošnjami, po dostopnejših poteh pa so jih vozili s posebej prilagojenimi lesenimi vozovi. V tretji sobi poišči maketo voza za prevoz čebel in preštej, koliko panjev je na njem (vrednost A).

Poslikane panjske končnice so ljudska umetnost poslikavanja sprednjih deščic panjev, značilna za slovensko čebelarstvo (območje nekdanje Kranjske). Motivi poslikav so zelo različni, v glavnem jih delimo na dve skupini: posvetne in cerkvene. Najstarejša poslikana panjska končnica v muzeju prikazuje božjepotno Marijo. Najdemo jo v 4. sobi v drugi vitrini na levi (v zlatem okvirju). Poišči letnico njenega nastanka. Začne se s 17** – zadnji števki sta vrednost B.

Posebna stavbna arhitektura, ki je tudi del naše kulturne dediščine, je čebelnjak. To je običajno lesena (lahko tudi kamnita) gospodarska stavba, v katero zložimo panje. Tako so čebele zaščitene pred neugodnimi vremenskimi vplivi, vlago in tudi drugimi živalmi, kot so npr. mravlje. Čebelnjak poleg tega čebelarju omogoča lažje poseganje v panje in pobiranje čebeljih pridelkov. Preštej, koliko panjev je postavljenih v čebelnjaku na sredini tretjega prostora (vrednost C).

Levo: Del razstave s panjskimi končnicami (foto: Miran Kambič)
Desno: Panjsko satje s čebelami (foto: Miran Kambič)

Plemenilnik je majhen panj z dvema ali tremi polovičnimi AŽ-sati. V njem so mlade čebele delavke iz zdravih čebeljih družin. Trotov v njem ne sme biti, da zagotovimo parjenje matice samo z odbranimi čebeljimi samci. Ko se mlada matica v naravi opraši s troti, začne zalegati jajčeca v plemenilniku, kar je znak za rodovitnost. Čebelar jo lahko skupaj s 6 do 10 čebelami delavkami prestavi v transportno matičnico in proda. Plemenilniki so postavljeni na plemenilnih postajah, ki so dovolj oddaljene od okoliških čebelarstev (v okolici ni drugih trotov, razen tistih na postaji). Pri vhodu v tretji prostor je na desni strani postavljen plemenilnik. Skloni se in na stojalu poišči vrednost D.

Kranjska čebela, imenovana tudi kranjska sivka zaradi značilnih sivorjavih dlačic, ki pokrivajo njeno oprsje in del zadkovih obročkov, je vrsta medonosne čebele, izredno priljubljene pri čebelarjih zaradi mirnosti, delavnosti, dolgoživosti in odpornosti proti nekaterim boleznim, dobre orientacije, dobrega izkoristka paše … Za njeno telesno sestavo sta značilna izrazito dolg rilček, s katerim srka nektar, in vitko telo. Na maketi v osmi sobi preštej, koliko parov nog ima (vrednost E).


Kontrolna vsota: A + B + C + D + E + X = 102

Ključavnico odklenemo po formuli:

B * ( X + A + E ) - ( C + D + 4 ) * 2 + 1 = YYYY


V vseh zakladih se nahaja žig in kdor bi jih želel zbirati, si lahko natisne brošuro (klikni za prenos).
Opozorilo: Kot lastnik zaklada zagotavljam, da je ta datoteka na povezavi varna za prenos. Geocaching HQ ali pregledovalec ni preveril morebitne zlonamerne vsebine. Datoteko prenašate na lastno odgovornost.


Odpiralni čas: 

Obisk razstave je možen od torka do nedelje od 10. do 18. ure, ponedeljki in
prazniki (razen izjem) zaprto.

Vstopnina za odrasle je 8 €, za družine 16 € in za šolsko mladino 4 €.

Skupna vstopnica za vseh šest muzejev znaša za odrasle 8 €, za družine 17 € in za upokojence in šolsko mladino 6 €.

Brezplačni ogledi muzeja in razstav: 8. februar – državni kulturni praznik, 3. december – Ta veseli dan kulture, 18.
maj – mednarodni muzejski dan.


As its name indicates, the Gorenjska region is distinguished by mountains (gore means mountains). People of Gorenjska have always lived in close connection with mountains, which is evident from their culture and their past, preserved in museums. Stories from the mountains are a part of the history we share, which can be found in the museums.

Škofja Loka Museum presents Lubnik mountain and items from the Copper Age, Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik introduces Alpine dairy farming and life at Velika planina, Tržič Museum highlights the ski competition at Zelenica, Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica presents breeding stations which are located on the way to the Roblekov dom mountain hut on Mt. Begunjščica, Museum of Gorenjska in Kranj pays tribute to the 40th anniversary of the first Slovenian ascent of Mount Everest, the preparation of which took place at Jošt mountain in Kranj, the Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana with its exhibition Mountain Paradise invites visitors to reflect upon our past and present attitude to mountains, which can be internalized on Golica mountain. By May 2020, mountains and museums will become a treasure of adventure!

Carniolan Bee – Our Natural Heritage


The coordinates will place you at the Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica, where you will find the cache at the reception. It is locked with a combination lock and to get the right combination you will need to find the answers to some questions, all of which can be answered by a visit of the permanent exhibition Living together. Human and bee.

Before you enter the museum and sign the logbook, you have to get a key information for the calculation at the Trg virtual stage. Go to the virtual stage Trg and find a long building on the east. Count how many faces are there between the windows of the first and the second floor. You get value X. To get the missing values from A to E, you will need to answer some questions. We recommend you see the exhibition. There is no need for interaction with the museum staff.


The beekeepers have always been moving their bees to different areas in order to offer them a better pasture. When going to remote places in the olden days, they even carried the bees in wooden boxes on their backs. When access to the pasture was better, the bees were transported with specially adapted wooden carriages. Find a model of the bee carriage in room 3 and count how many beehives it holds (value A).

Painting front panels of the beehives with folk motifs is characteristic of the beekeeping in Slovenia (former Carniola). The motifs vary greatly and can be divided in two major groups: secular and religious. The oldest painted beehive panel in the museum depicts the Pilgrim Virgin. It is kept in room 4, in the second showcase on the left (in golden frame). Find the year of its origin. It starts with 17**. The last two numbers make for value B.

A special building architecture, which is also part of our cultural heritage, is the apiary. This is usually a wooden (or even stone) outbuilding in which we stack the hive. Thus, bees are protected from adverse weather conditions, moisture and also other animals such as e.g. ants. In addition, the apiary makes it easier for the beekeeper to intervene in the hive and pick bee products. Count how many hives are placed in the apiary in the middle of the third room (value C).

Left: Part of exhibition with beehive panels (photo by Miran Kambič)
Right: Honeycomb with bees (photo by Miran Kambič)

A mating hive is a small hive with two or three half-size combs. It contains young worker bees from healthy bee families. There should be no drones in it to ensure the queen mates with selected male bees only. Once a young queen mates with drones in the nature, she starts laying eggs in the mating hive, signalling fertility. A beekeeper can transfer her to the transport queen cage together with 6 to 10 bees and sell them. The mating hives are placed at breeding stations, far away from the surrounding beekeepers (there should be no other drones in the vicinity except for those on the station). At the entrance to the third room find the breeder placed on the right side of the room. Bend down and look for value D on the stand.

The Carniolan honey bee, also known as the “grey bee” due to its grey-brown hair covering its front and part of the rear rings, is a species of honey bee, which is very popular with beekeepers, as it is non-aggressive, hardworking, lives long and is resistant to some diseases, has a good sense of orientation and is able to take full advantage of the pasture … It has a very long tongue for harvesting nectar and a slim body. See the model in room 8 and count how many pairs of legs does the Carniolan bee have (value E).


Checksum: A + B + C + D + E + X = 102

Unlock the combination lock by using the formula:

B * ( X + A + E ) - ( C + D + 4 ) * 2 + 1 = YYYY


You will find stamps in caches. In case you want to collect them, print the leaflet (click to download).
Alert: As the geocache owner, I ensure that this linked file is safe to download. It has not been checked by Geocaching HQ or by the reviewer for possible malicious content. Download the file at your own risk.


Opening hours: 

From Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm, Mondays and holidays (with exceptions) closed.

Entrance fee: 8 € (adults), 16 € (families), 4 € (school youth).

Joint ticket for all six museums: 8 € (adults), 17 € (families), 6 € (seniors and school youth).

Free visit of the museum: 8 February (National Day of Culture), 3 December (Merry Day of Slovenian Culture), 18. May (International Museum Day).

Additional Hints (No hints available.)