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Neverjetne gore: Prva Slovenca na Everestu Mystery Cache

Hidden : 05/30/2019
1.5 out of 5
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English description

Gorenjsko pokrajino, kot že ime nakazuje, zaznamujejo gore. Povezanost Gorenjcev z gorami se kaže tudi v kulturi, dokaze o tem pa hranijo muzeji, ki predstavljajo gorske zgodbe kot del naše skupne preteklosti.

V Loškem muzeju v Škofji Loki so predstavljeni Lubnik in predmeti iz bakrene dobe, v Medobčinskem muzeju Kamnik je poudarjeno planšarstvo – življenje na Veliki planini, v Tržiškem muzeju je izpostavljena smučarska tekma na Zelenici, v Čebelarskem muzeju v Radovljici plemenilne postaje, ki jih srečamo na poti proti Roblekovem domu, v Gorenjskem muzeju v Kranju se spominjajo 40. obletnice slovenskega vzpona na Everest, za katerega so se pripravljali na Joštu, v Slovenskem planinskem muzeju v Mojstrani pa Planinski raj v karikaturah prikaže odnos do gora nekoč in danes, ki ga lahko ponotranjimo na primeru Golice. Gore in muzeji so v obdobju med majem 2019 in septembrom 2020 postali prave zakladnice!

Prva Slovenca na Everestu


Uganka nas popelje po začasni razstavi Everest 1979–2019 v Gorenjskem muzeju v Kranju, ki je na izhodiščnih koordinatah. Zaklad je na recepciji, zaklenjen s kombinacijsko ključavnico. Za pridobitev prave kombinacije je treba opraviti nekaj nalog.

Pred vstopom v muzej je treba na virtualni stopnji Tabla pridobiti podatek, brez katerega ni mogoče dobiti vpisnega dnevnika. Na koordinatah virtualne stopnje Tabla na tabli poišči telefonsko številko in seštej vse števke. Dobiš vrednost X. Za pridobitev manjkajočih vrednosti od A do F bo treba odgovoriti na nekaj vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na začasno zbirko. Priporočamo natančen ogled razstave. Interakcija z muzejskim osebjem ni potrebna.

ODPRAVA JAHO Everest '79

Odprava JAHO Everest '79 si je zadala težko nalogo.

Prvenstveni vzpon na vrh sveta je bil izveden čez Zahodno ramo. Z ledenika Khumbu na višini **** m (A = seštejte števke nadmorske višine), kjer je bil bazni tabor, se dviga visoka skalna stena sedla Lho La, sledi ji visoko pobočje Zahodne rame, za njenim vrhom se razteza 2,5 kilometra dolg, položen, vendar oster in vetroven greben, na koncu katerega je začetek strme in razgibane vršne piramide Everesta.

Matija Grah je v Sobotni prilogi leta 1999 zapisal, da je bila to resnično "smer za človeški stroj".

Stena sedla Lho La je visoka *** metrov (B = vsota števk). Na sliki vidimo šerpe na visečih lestvah v steni.

Stena Zahodne rame Everesta je visoka **** metrov (C = vsota števk). Strma ledena stena z vmesnimi skalnimi deli je opremljena s fiksnimi vrvmi in žičnimi lestvami v zgornjem skalnem delu.

Levo: Prvestveni vzpon na vrh sveta čez Zahodno ramo (foto: Tone Škarja)
Desno: Stena sedla Lho La (foto: Tone Škarja)

Kranjski alpinisti v taboru 1 pred odhodom na vrh, 9. maja 1979. ****** navezo (D = zaporedna številka naveze) za vrh so sestavljali Andrej in Marko Štremfelj ter Nejc Zaplotnik. Zaradi okvare ventila na jeklenki se je moral Marko vrniti, Andrej in Nejc pa sta nadaljevala proti vrhu.

Andrej Štremfelj je vrh Everesta dosegel 13. maja 1979 ob (E = hh + mm; vsota ur in minut). S prvenstveno smerjo po Zahodni rami se je slovenski alpinizem dokončno utrdil v svetovnem vrhu. Jugoslovanska smer velja še danes za eno najtežjih – v štiridesetih letih je bila ponovljena le enkrat samkrat. Leta 1984 jo je ponovilo pet alpinistov bolgarske odprave, a se je njihov vodja Hristo Prodanov pri sestopu smrtno ponesrečil.

Legendarne besede Nejca Zaplotnika na vrhu Everesta: »Sediva pri kitajski piramidi in ne veva, kaj bi!«

»V tem stavku izražam ves smisel alpinizma. Smisel alpinizma, ki je v tem, da je brez smisla. Lepo je živeti nesmiselno! Vsaj zame… Kronani so skoraj dvomesečni napori ** mož (F = število mož), izpolnjene so naše dolgoletne sanje, naporne, večletne priprave so rodile sadove, zdaj, ko je vse končano, pa ne veva, kaj bi …«

Levo: Andrej Štremfelj (foto: Nejc Zaplotnik)
Desno: Nejc Zaplotnik (foto: Andrej Štremfelj)


Kontrolna vsota: A + B + C + D + E + F + X = 154

Ključavnico odklenemo po formuli:

X * ( E + F - B - A - C + 1 ) + 4 * D - 1 = YYYY


V vseh zakladih se nahaja žig in kdor bi jih želel zbirati, si lahko natisne brošuro (klikni za prenos).
Opozorilo: Kot lastnik zaklada zagotavljam, da je ta datoteka na povezavi varna za prenos. Geocaching HQ ali pregledovalec ni preveril morebitne zlonamerne vsebine. Datoteko prenašate na lastno odgovornost.


Obisk razstave je možen od torka do nedelje od 10. do 18. ure, ponedeljki in prazniki (razen izjem) zaprto. Vstopnina za odrasle je 3 €, za upokojence 2,5 €, za šolsko mladino 1,5 € in za družine 6 € (ne glede na število članov).

Skupna vstopnica za vseh šest muzejev znaša za odrasle 8 €, za družine 17 € in za upokojence in šolsko mladino 6 €.

Brezplačni ogledi muzeja in razstav: 8. februar – državni kulturni praznik, 18. maj – mednarodni dan muzejev, 3. sobota v juniju – Poletna muzejska noč, 3. december – Ta veseli dan kulture.


As its name indicates, the Gorenjska region is distinguished by mountains (gore means mountains). People of Gorenjska have always lived in close connection with mountains, which is evident from their culture and their past, preserved in museums. Stories from the mountains are a part of the history we share, which can be found in the museums.

Škofja Loka Museum presents Lubnik mountain and items from the Copper Age, Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik introduces Alpine dairy farming and life at Velika planina, Tržič Museum highlights the ski competition at Zelenica, Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica presents breeding stations which are located on the way to the Roblekov dom mountain hut on Mt. Begunjščica, Museum of Gorenjska in Kranj pays tribute to the 40th anniversary of the first Slovenian ascent of Mount Everest, the preparation of which took place at Jošt mountain in Kranj, the Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana with its exhibition Mountain Paradise invites visitors to reflect upon our past and present attitude to mountains, which can be internalized on Golica mountain. By May 2020, mountains and museums will become a treasure of adventure!

The First Slovenians to Summit Everest


The coordinates will place you at the Museum of Gorenjska in Kranj, where you will find the cache at the reception. It is locked with a combination lock and to get the right combination you will need to find the answers to some questions, all of which can be answered by a visit of the temporary exhibition Everest 19792019.

Before you enter the museum and sign the logbook, you have to get a key information for the calculation at the Tabla virtual stage. Go to the virtual stage Tabla, find a phone number on the table and sum up all the digits. You get value X. To get the missing values from A to F, you will need to answer some questions. We recommend you see the exhibition. There is no need for interaction with the museum staff.

JAHO Everest '79 Expedition

JAHO Everest '79 expedition set off on a difficult quest.

New ascent of the top of the world took the expedition along the Western Ridge. Behind the Khumbu Glacier at the altitude of **** m (A = sum up the digits of the altitude), where the base camp was located, there is a tall rock wall of the Lho La col, leading to the tall Western Ridge. Behind its peak, there is a 2.5 km long, gently sloping ridge, which is sharp and windy and ends in a steep and diverse top pyramid of Everest.

Matija Grah wrote in Delo newspaper in 1999 that this was truly a “human machine route”.

Wall of the Lho La col is *** metres tall (B = sum of the digits). The photo shows Sherpas on rope ladders in the wall.

The Western Ridge of Everest is **** metres tall (C = sum of the digits). The steep ice wall with some parts of clear rock is fixed with ropes and wire ladders in the upper rocky part.

Left: Pioneer ascent of the top of the world along the Western Ridge (photo by Tone Škarja)
Right: Wall of the Lho La col (photo by Tone Škarja)

Kranj Alpine climbers in Camp 1 before climbing to the top, 9 May 1979. Rope team number ****** (D = number of the rope team) consisted of Andrej and Marko Štremfelj and Nejc Zaplotnik. Marko had to go back because of a defect on his cylinder valve, while Andrej and Nejc continued all the way to the top.

Andrej Štremfelj reached the top of Everest on 13 May 1979 at (E= hh + mm; sum hours and minutes). By pioneering the route along the Western Ridge, the Slovenian Alpine climbers clearly became one of the best alpine climbers in the world. The Yugoslav route still ranks as one of the most difficult routes on Mt. Everest - it has been repeated only once in forty years. In 1984, it was repeated by five mountaineers of the Bulgarian expedition, but their leader, Hristo Prodanov, was killed during the descent.

The legendary words of Nejc Zaplotnik on the top of Mt. Everest: “We’re sitting by the Chinese pyramid and don’t know what to do!”

“This sentence is all about the meaning of mountain climbing. Mountain climbing has no meaning. And it’s wonderful to live without meaning! At least to me … This is the crown of nearly two months of sweat of ** men (F = number of men), our dreams of many years have come true, the years of strains are finally rewarded and now, when all is done, we don’t know what to do …”

Left: Andrej Štremfelj (Photo by Nejc Zaplotnik)
Right: Nejc Zaplotnik (Photo by Andrej Štremfelj)


Checksum: A + B + C + D + E + F + X = 154

Unlock the combination lock by using the formula:

X * ( E + F - B - A - C + 1 ) + 4 * D - 1 = YYYY


You will find stamps in caches. In case you want to collect them, print the leaflet (click to download).
Alert: As the geocache owner, I ensure that this linked file is safe to download. It has not been checked by Geocaching HQ or by the reviewer for possible malicious content. Download the file at your own risk.


Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10am to 6pm, closed on Mondays and holidays. Entrance fee: 3 € (adults), 2.5 € (seniors), 1.5 € (school youth), 6 € (families).

Joint ticket for all six museums: 8 € (adults), 17 € (families), 6 € (seniors and school youth).

Free visit of the museum: 8 February (National Day of Culture), 18 May (International Museum Day), 3rd Saturday in June (Summer Museum Night), 3 December (Merry Day of Slovenian Culture).

Additional Hints (No hints available.)