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Kekčev oče - Kekec's Father Virtual Cache

Hidden : 6/4/2019
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Geocache Description:

Tukaj rodil se je Josip Vandot,

pisal je knjige za mladi rod.

Živ ohranili mu bodo spomin

Kekec in Mojca in Kosobrin.


Vsakdo v Sloveniji pozna Kekca, Mojco, Pehto, Bedanca, Kosobrina in ostale literarne junake, ki so zaživeli v delih Josipa Vandota.

Rodil se je kot deseti otrok v železničarski družini v Kranjski Gori (včasih tudi Borovska vas), ki je s svojo gorsko okolico tudi dogajališče njegovih mladinskih planinskih pripovedi. Po osnovni šoli v Kranjski Gori je leta 1895 nadaljeval šolanje na gimnaziji v Novem mestu. Po maturi leta 1905 je želel študirati medicino, vendar ga starši niso mogli vzdrževati, zato je začel delati pri železnici v Šentvidu ob Glini, blizu Celovca. Napeti odnosi med Slovenci in Nemci na slovenskem Koroškem so mu zagrenili službovanje, ni prenašal podcenjevanja slovenskega, zato je službo pustil in ostal nekaj časa doma za pastirja. Na materino željo se je ponovno zaposlil kot železniški uradnik, zato se je veliko selil po Koroškem, Štajerskem, Primorskem, Hrvaškem in Italiji. V Trstu se je poročil s Tržačanko Drago Briščikovo, ki mu je rodila hčer Jelko. S službo, ki jo je opravljal, se nikakor ni mogel sprijazniti, zato se je že leta 1922 odločil za upokojitev in se posvetil pisateljevanju. Najprej je živel v Ljubljani, nato v Slovenski Bistrici, potem pa se je malo pred vojno z družino preselil v Maribor. Junija 1941 je moral zaradi okupatorja kreniti na pot pregnanstva skupaj z mnogimi zavednimi Slovenci. Hude čase je delil z ženo, hčerko in vnukinjo v Slavonski Požegi, nato v Brčkem, v bližini Travnika (Bosna), Slavonskem Brodu, od koder so se zaradi bombnih napadov umaknili v Trnjanske Kute. Tam je ob ponesrečenem bombardiranju 11. julija 1944 izgubil življenje, žena, hčerka in vnukinja pa so bile huje ranjene. Po vojni so njegove ostanke prepeljali na ljubljanske Žale.

Celotno njegovo delo obsega kakih dvesto petdeset črtic in povesti ter čez dvesto pesmi, ki pa bodisi še niso bile objavljene bodisi so raztresene po časnikih in revijah, npr. daljša pripoved Begunci (Edinost 1916). Ves čas pregnanstva je zapisoval vtise o trpljenju, ki ga je prestajal skupaj z družino. Precej rokopisov so mu 1941, ko so okupirali mesto Maribor, zasegli Nemci. Zažgali so okrog tri tisoč knjig, med njimi tudi zapiske novih mladinskih povesti, na primer četrti del povesti o Kekcu. Ohranili so se le rokopisi pesmi in spomini. Edina zbirka poezije Bele noči: gorska romanca, ki jo je izbral in uredil Benjamin Gracer, je izšla šele leta 1991.

Vir in seveda več na Wikipediji


A Google Translate translation from SI to ENG since I'm a bit lazy and short on time:

This is where Joseph Vandot was born,

he wrote books for the young generation.

They will keep his memory alive

Kekec and Mojca and Kosobrin.

Everyone in Slovenia knows Kekec, Mojca, Pehta, Bedanc, Kosobrin and other literary heroes who came to life in the works of Josip Vandot.

He was born as the tenth child in a railway family in Kranjska Gora (sometimes also Borovska vas), which with its mountain surroundings is also the setting of his youth mountain stories. After primary school in Kranjska Gora, in 1895 he continued his education at the grammar school in Novo mesto. After graduating in 1905, he wanted to study medicine, but his parents could not support him, so he started working at the railway in Šentvid ob Glini, near Klagenfurt. Tense relations between Slovenes and Germans in Slovene Carinthia made his service bitter, he could not stand the underestimation of Slovene, so he left his job and stayed at home as a shepherd for some time. At his mother's request, he re-employed as a railway official, so he moved a lot in Carinthia, Styria, Primorska, Croatia and Italy. In Trieste, he married Drago Briščikova from Trieste, who gave birth to his daughter Jelka. He could not come to terms with the job he was doing, so in 1922 he decided to retire and dedicate himself to writing. He first lived in Ljubljana, then in Slovenska Bistrica, and then moved to Maribor with his family shortly before the war. In June 1941, due to the occupier, he had to embark on the path of exile together with many conscientious Slovenes. He shared difficult times with his wife, daughter and granddaughter in Slavonska Požega, then in Brčko, near Travnik (Bosnia), Slavonski Brod, from where they withdrew to Trnjanske Kute due to the bombings. He lost his life there in the accidental bombing of July 11, 1944, and his wife, daughter and granddaughter were seriously injured. After the war, his remains were transported to Žale in Ljubljana.

His entire work comprises some two hundred and fifty lines and short stories and over two hundred poems, which have either not yet been published or are scattered in newspapers and magazines, e.g. a longer narrative Refugees (Unity 1916). Throughout the exile, he recorded his impressions of the suffering he endured with his family. Many of his manuscripts were confiscated by the Germans in 1941, when they occupied the city of Maribor. Around 3,000 books were burned, including notes from new youth stories, such as the fourth part of the story about Kekec. Only manuscripts of poems and memoirs have survived. The only collection of White Night poetry: Mountain Romance, selected and edited by Benjamin Gracer, was not published until 1991.

Source and of course more on Wikipedia and



  1. Posnemi sebek z g. Vandotom ali z GPS napravo ali geocaching imenom
  2. V ZASEBNEM sporočilu povej, kaj piše na njegovem levem ramenu
  3. (NEOBVEZNO) S pomočjo GoogleMaps v zapisu objavi, koliko časa (zgolj čas!) bi se vozil od domačega kraja (ne navajaj točnega naslova bivanja!!!) do Trnjanske Kute. Josip Vandot bi romal od Kranjske Gore do Trnjanske Kute 84 ur peš oz. 4 ure in 14 minut.


  1. Take a selfie with Mr. Vandot or with a GPS device or geocaching name
  2. In a PRIVATE message, send what is written on his left shoulder
  3. (NOT OBLIGATORY) With the help of GoogleMaps, publish in the log how long (only time!) would you drive or hike from your hometown (do not state the exact address of your home !!!) to Trnjanska Kuta. Josip Vandot would make it from Kranjska Gora to Trnjanska Kuta in 84 hours on foot or 4 hours and 14 minutes by car.


Virtual Rewards 2.0 - 2019/2020

This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between June 4, 2019 and June 4, 2020. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 2.0 on the Geocaching Blog.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)