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Zagreb, volim te ❤ Zagreb, I love you Virtual Cache

Hidden : 06/30/2019
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Tomislav Gotovac

Tomislav Gotovac (1937 - 2010) <-- Link to Wiki


U petak 13. studenoga 1981. godine, kada je Grički top oglasio zagrebačko podne, iz haustora Ilice 8 izišao je gol Tomislav Gotovac. Takav, posve izložen pogledima, stao je, raširio ruke i povikao: Zagreb, volim te. Na svome pohodu prema (tadašnjem) Trgu Republike, klečao je i lijegao na prljavi ilički asfalt, ljubio ga i izjavljivao ljubav svome gradu. Stigavši na Trg, bio je uhapšen.

Zagreb, volim te

Zamislite da je Grički top upravo označio podne. Izlazite iz haustora Ilice 8 i započinjete svoj put prema Trgu. Imate dovoljno vremena za promatranje raznih detalja oko vas. Uočavate na zgradi iz koje ste izašli red okruglih prozora na vrhu (njihov broj je podatak A). Okrećete pogled na suprotnu stranu i na vrhu zgrade preko puta uočavate skulpture (njihov broj je podatak B). Hodajući dalje vraćate svoj pogled na iduću zgradu na lijevoj strani i primjećujete manje pravokutne otvore na vrhu ispod krova (njihov broj je podatak C). Ponovo pogledavate na suprotnu stranu i vidite krovne kućice s prozorima, samo one sa strane Ilice (njihov broj je podatak D).

Prolazite pored ulice Frane Petrića. Već ste prošli gotovo polovinu puta. Dok se publika oko vas sabija uz rubove zgrada i ne zna kud bi sa svojim pogledom, vi nastavljate svoj ponosni pohod.
Pogled na lijevo otkriva zgradu s ovalnim balkonima pri vrhu zgrade (broj balkona je podatak E). Nastavljate dalje. Okrećete pogled na drugu stranu gdje se iza metalne ograde nalazi crkva i veliki križ (broj kamenih blokova koji čine križ je podatak F). Već ste jako blizu Trgu. Uočavate zadnju zgradu s lijeve strane Ilice prije izlaska na Trg bana Jelačića i gornji prozor na samom rubu zgrade (broj prozorskih stakala na tom prozoru samo sa strane Ilice je podatak G).

Bravo! Uspjeli ste u svom zadatku, stigli ste na Trg.
Miliciji je 1981. trebalo 7 minuta da Tomislava Gotovca uhapse i odvedu, taman kad je stigao na Trg.

Najnovije informacije - posljedica potresa (05/2020):
A: Tri prozora (ili četiri?) nedostaju, uračunajte i njih!

Zadaci za upis pronalaska:

  1. Pošaljite svoje točne odgovore na mail adresu oblika U predmet mail poruke stavite svoje geocaching ime. Ako je sve točno, odmah ćete dobiti dozvolu upisa pronalaska.
    Primjer: ako je A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, onda trebate poslati mail na adresu:
  2. Na početnim koordinatama se nalazi spomen ploča posvećena događaju iz 1981. Obavezno priložite svoju fotografiju kod spomen-ploče, a na njoj neka se vidi otkriven dio vašeg tijela (na primjer dio ruke, podignuta nogavica ili slično).
VAŽNO: Upisi koji ne zadovoljavaju oba kriterija će biti obrisani!


On Friday, November 13th 1981, when the Gric cannon announced Zagreb's noon, from the passage at Ilica 8 Tomislav Gotovac went out naked. Then, completely exposed to the looks, he stopped, spread his arms and shouted: Zagreb, I love you. On his march toward the (then) Republic Square, kneeled and laid down on the dirty asphalt of Ilica street, kissed it and declared love to his city. Arriving at the main square, he was arrested.

Spomen ploča

Imagine the Gric cannon just marked the noon. You are getting out of the Ilica 8 passage and starting your journey to the main square. You have enough time to observe the various details around you. You notice that the building from which you came out has round windows at the top (their number is the data A). You turn the view on the opposite side and you see the sculptures on top of the building across the street (their number is the data B). Walking further, you turn your look to the next building on the left and you notice small rectangular openings on the top beneath the roof (their number is the data C). Again looking to the other side and you see the roof-tops with windows, Ilica side only (their number is the data D).

You go by the Frane Petrić street. You are half the way through. As the crowd around you clings to the edges of the building and does not know where to look, you continue your proud stroll.
The left-hand view reveals the building with oval balconies at the top of the building (number of balconies is the data E). You move on. You turn to the other side where there is a church and a big cross behind the metal fence (number of stone blocks that make up the cross is the data F). You are already very close to the square. You can see the last building on the left side of Ilica before going out to Ban Jelacic Square and notice the upper window on the edge of the building (number of window glasses on that window, Ilica side only, is the data G).

Bravo! You did your job well, you came to the main square.
In 1981, the police needed 7 minutes to arrest Tomislav Gotovac and take him off, shortly after he arrived at the main square.

Latest info - after an earthquake (05/2020):
A: Three windows (or four?) are missing, include them!

Logging tasks:

  1. Send your correct answers to the email address of the form In the mail subject, put your geocaching name. If it's all right, you'll immediately get permission to log your find.
    Example: if A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, then you need to send mail to following address:
  2. At the starting coordinates is a memorial plaque dedicated to that event from 1981. Make sure to attach your photo at the memorial plaque, together with uncovered part of your body (for example part of the hand, slightly raised trousers or similar).
IMPORTANT: Logs that do not meet both criteria will be deleted!

Virtual Rewards 2.0 - 2019/2020
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between June 4, 2019 and June 4, 2020. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 2.0 on the Geocaching Blog.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)