A Birdhouse In The U. P. Traditional Cache
Size:  (other)
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Congrats to Rainingjewels FTF! Great job. Hidden with permission - but still use stealth when hunting these little birdies. They scare easily and you gotta kinda sneak up on the little critters. Beware of Muggles please. When I was a kid we use to stand with our hands in the air filled with sunflower seeds and call the chickadees out of the woods. They would land and sit and eat out of our hands. My grandmother would read tea leaves in the front room, and the birds would come out of the woods calling Pete. Pete. Because when Nana fed them she named them all Pete. This cache is hidden to remind us all of the good times we spend here in the north woods with ur little feathered friends. My cottage is only a few miles away and this is a favorite watering whole year round. kid friendly. Listen closely you will hear the chickadees call.
Visit the other birdhouse cache just down the road.
GC9GQD0 Another Birdhouse Cache
GC8AFBC A Birdhouse in The U.P.
GCAB55Z A Guarded Birdhouse in the Woods
GCABFTZ The Twomile Creek Birdhouse Cache
GCAFF8C Alice's Red Birdhouse
Additional Hints
Puvpxnqrr puvpxnqrr jurer jvyy lbh or? V'z uhagvat lbhe ubhfr V jvyy ybbx gvyy V frr. Hc naq qbja naq hc ntnva lbh syl. Evtug nobir bhe urnqf yvggyr oveqvr lbhe ubhfr V jvyy svaq.