The puzzle has TWO stage, please read the description carefully:
- To find this cache, you need to go to Taipei train station first, and find a sculpture at the location1. Then after you see the sculpture, please take a photo for it.(or you can inprint the shape of sculpture on your brain. XD)
- Then, please go to National Chiao Tung University, take a walk in the campus. Your mission is finding the same sculpture(yep, the same one in Taipei) in this college. When you discover the sculpture, please face and go to the north-east direction, then you'll see an another sculpture about 50m in this direction.the cache is put in the nearby parterre and covered by some stones.(see spoiler)
Remember, the possible location of the sculpture is only in NCTU(not in NTHU), you don't need to leave the campus. If you are lucky and find the sculpture, please do not show where is it in your log. Finally, very stealth is needed when you take the cache! :)
The cache is inspired by ChrisA33("Where am I" in Taipei? GC6B6EW). If you are interesting in the kind of puzzle, there are some similar cache in Taiwan: