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Grad Lože Traditional Cache

Hidden : 5/29/2020
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:


V tistih časih so imeli uroki, za razliko od danes, jasne in nedvoumne posledice.

Tako med Ložani in okoliškimi prebivalci še danes kroži  zgodba o grajskem kočijažu, ki je trdil, da se je njegova kočija spremenila v bučo med tem, ko je tovoril dragoceni tovor.

Ker je kočijaž od strahu zbežal nazaj v grad, se še danes ne ve,kaj se je zgodilo s skrinjo polno dragocenosti.

Res pa je še dandanes opaziti ljudi, ki brskajo po grajskem hribu, vendar o zakladu ni poročal še nihče.

Mogoče pa je dan, ko se bo o tem pisalo, zelo blizu. :D

Grad je ruševina zato vstopate NA LASTNO ODGOVORNOST



Grad Lože so v 12 .stoletju postavili grofje Bogenski, ki so že sredi 13. stoletja izumrli.  Kasneje se je v gradu menjalo kar nekaj rodbin. V drugi polovici 16. stoletja je grad pogorel.

V 17.stoletju so grad obnovili grofje Cobenzl. Grad je prehajal iz roda v rod dokler ga ni grof Janez Filip Cobenzl, v svoji oporoki, zapustil nečaku grofu Mihaelu Coroniniju. Strasten kvartopirec je leta 1822, zaradi dolgov, posestvo prodal zdravniku dr. Josipu Mayerju.  

Zadnji lastnik dvorca, pred drugo svetovno vojno, je bil Evgen Mayer, rojen leta 1889, diplomirani agronom, sadjar in vinogradnik. Takrat je bil grad središče dobro vzdrževanega posestva, kjer je bilo zaposlenih okrog 35 ljudi. Imeli so svoje gozdove,mizarsko delavnico, kovačijo, garažo, konjske vprege in kočije, vinograde, velike njive in živinorejo.

V času med svetovnima vojnama so se pri narodno zavedni družini Mayer,ki je posedovala tudi bogato knjižnico in veliko umetniških del,zbirali številni kulturni delavci.Med njimi slikarji Veno Pilon, Rihard Jakopič in Avgust Černigoj ter pisatelja France Bevk in Ivan Tavčar.

Zanimiva osebnost je bila tudi Evgenova mlajša sestra Ana Mayer, ki je študirala fiziko in kemijo ,ter tako postala prva doktorica znanosti na Ljubljanski univerzi.

Druga svetovna vojna je povzročila zaton posestva. Družina Mayer se je začasno izselila in s seboj odpeljala nekaj opreme in zbirko slik. Veliko ostale opreme je bilo ukradene v času ko je bil grad prazen. Partizani so za potrebe bolnišnice odnesli vsa okna in vrata. Poslopje so nameravali celo požgati, a so ga pred tem zasegli italijanski vojaki. Po kapitulaciji Italije so se v grad naselili nemški vojaki in kasneje odnesli še preostanek opreme.

Evgen Mayer je podpiral partizansko gibanje in tudi po vojni ni želel zapustiti primorske. Dan po ustanovitvi prve slovenske vlade v Ajdovščini, 6. maja 1945 pa je moral prodati oz. proti odškodnini odstopiti posest s poslopjem splošnemu ljudskemu premoženju. Tako je morala družina Mayer jeseni leta 1945 dokončno zapustiti Lože. Nastanila se je na Rafutu pri Novi Gorici, kjer je Evgen Mayer bival do svoje smrti leta 1970.

Od leta 1946 do 1961 je na gradu,po priporočilu Evgena Mayerja, delovala vinarsko-sadjarska šola. To šolo je končalo več kot 400 učencev.

Po zaprtju šole je grad hitro propadal. V njem so bila kasneje skladišča podjetij Fructal in Lipe. Leta 1987 pa so grad dokončno izpraznili.

Grad so po dolgotrajnih sodnih procesih vrnili dedičem Evgena Mayerja.

Obnovljena grajska klet in letni vrt so prizorišče organiziranega vaškega martinovanja že nekaj let.

Za raziskovanje gradu in njegove okolice smo geolovci dobili posebno dovoljenje lastnikov, ki ga je ustno posredoval gospod Miha Vrančič.

Ker so načrti za obnovitvena dela v teku, se zaklad nahaja izven grajskega obzidja.

Zadnji del ceste (300m) je makadam.


Veliko užitkov pri raziskovanju prekrasne Vipavske doline in njene zgodovine. :D

Hvala Zvercam in Frezi za pomoč.





In those days, spells, unlike today, had clear and unambiguous consequences.

So the story of the castle coachman, who claimed that his carriage turned into a pumpkin while he was carrying valuable cargo, still circulates between the people of Lože and the surrounding inhabitants,.

Couse the coachman, all scared, ran back to the castle, we still do not know what happened to the treasure chest.

It is true that people still browse the castle hill today, but no one has reported on the treasure.

Maybe the day, it will be written, is very close. : D

The castle is a ruin, so you enter ON YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY.



Lože Castle was built in the 12th century by the Counts of Bogen, who became extinct in the middle of the 13th century. Later, quite a few families changed in the castle. In the second half of the 16th century, the castle burned down.

In the 17th century the castle was restored by the Counts of Cobenzl. The castle passed from generation to generation until Count Janez Filip Cobenzl, in his will, left it to his nephew Count Mihael Coronini. In 1822, due to debts, the passionate gambeler sold the estate to the doctor dr. Joseph Mayer.

The last owner of the manor, before World War II, was Evgen Mayer, born in 1889, a graduate agronomist, fruit grower and winegrower. At that time, the castle was the center of a well-maintained estate, which employed about 35 people. They had their own library, carpentry workshop, smithy, garage, horse-drawn carriages, vineyards, large fields and livestock.

During the interwar period, many cultural workers gathered at the nationally conscious Mayer family, including painters Veno Pilon, Rihard Jakopič and Avgust Černigoj, and writers France Bevk and Ivan Tavčar. An interesting personality was also Evgen's younger sister Ana Mayer, who studied physics and chemistry and became the first female doctor of science at the University of Ljubljana.

World War II caused the decline of the estate. The Mayer family temporarily moved out and took some equipment and a collection of paintings with them. Much of the other equipment was stolen at a time when the castle was empty. The partisans took away all the windows and doors for the needs of the hospital. The building was even planned to be burnt down, but was seized by Italian soldiers before that. After the capitulation of Italy, German soldiers settled in the castle and later took away the rest of the equipment.

Evgen Mayer supported the partisan movement and did not want to leave Primorska even after the war. The day after the establishment of the first Slovene government in Ajdovščina, on May 6, 1945, he had to sell or against compensation to cede possession of the building to the common people's property. In the autumn of 1945, the Mayer family had to leave the Lodge for good. They settled in Rafut near Nova Gorica, where Evgen Mayer lived until his death in 1970.

From 1946 to 1961, a wine-fruitgrowing school operated at the castle. More than 400 students graduated from this school.

After the school closed, the castle quickly fell into disrepair. It also housed the warehouses of Fructal and Lipe. In 1987, the castle was finally emptied. The castle was returned to the heirs of Evgen Mayer after lengthy court proceedings.

The renovated cellar and summer garden have been the scene of organized village martination for several years.

For exploring the castle and its surroundings, geocachers received a special permission from the owners, which was conversationally provided by Mr. Miha Vrančič.

As plans for renovation work are underway, the treasure is located outside the castle walls.

The last 300m of the road to the cache is macadam. 

Much pleasure in exploring the beautiful Vipava Valley and its history. : D



Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Mabgenw./ Vafvqr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)